Sma' Talk Wi' T

Current world events, politics, news, history, culture, trivia, religion, and the quirky

Archive for the ‘pro-life’ Category

Two Mile Anti-Abortion Protest At Notre Dame

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Jill Stanek provides incredible coverage of two miles anti-abortion protesters enroute to the University of Notre Dame’s main entrance. How I wished NØbama could have seen these posters of life! The coward took a different route to avoid the protesters.

NØbama’s evil speech about dialoguing about how to “reduce” abortions was disgustingly smug when he as a Senator is one of the reasons that we have a culture of death in this country!

Go to Jill Stanek’s blog for five other excellent posts and more videos on today’s protest at the now secular University of Notre Dame.

Protesters interrupt NØbama’s speech while Catholics boo and yell “yes we can [kill babies]”

Previous Sma’ Talk Wi’ T posts on NObama and abortion.

Written by smalltalkwitht

May 17, 2009 at 10:13 pm


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Very powerful, especially after seeing my daughter’s baby girl, my granddaughter at 18 weeks of age in the womb. She is due in June. She is beautiful and maybe the first woman President of the United States.

Written by smalltalkwitht

January 28, 2009 at 9:30 pm

The Audacity of Pro-Abortion Democrats

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Jeff Emmanuel with Red State has a great post on the Doug Kmiec bending over backwards to prove to the Vatican that the pro-abortion (so his daughters aren’t punished with a baby) Obama is a pro-life Democrat.

Pepperdine University law professor Doug Kmiec, a pro-life advocate of President Barack Obama’s election, has stated that he thinks he will be considered as a choice for U.S. Ambassador to the Holy See. The President is nowhere close to determining such things because of the order of events … everyone’s first order of business is economic recovery,” Kmiec said. “At the appropriate time, when diplomatic relations through the State Department need to be addressed, I think my name would be part of the discussion.”

There is no way Obama is pro-life and I cannot believe that the Vatican would accept Doug Kmiec’s ambassadorship to the Vatican.

This morning, watching my new 18-week old baby granddaughter’s heart beat, fingers move, her body turning, and yet she has to wait till June for her birthday to breathe the air, I find it heinous that anyone be pro-abortion.

Written by smalltalkwitht

January 28, 2009 at 6:47 pm

Obama, Biden Palin-g In McCain’s VP Announcement

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In an emotional and thunderous applause, Senator John McCain introduced his new Vice President selection, Govenor Sarah Palin, 44, of Alaska.

Excitement overwhelmed the Republican audience in Ohio as echoes of blah, whining, sordid characters ranted empty rhetoric at an DNC convention faded. Obama wah?

Who is Sarah Palin? She is the 11th governor of Alaska. She is the conservative answer for Vice President. Obama’s liberal pundits are already condemning Senator McCains’ choice but Palin is the perfect candidate with all of the Democrat mantras espoused during the DNC convention.

  • She was the youngest person and the first woman to break the glass ceiling by being elected governor in Alaska.
  • She has smoked pot.
  • She is a hockey mother with a big family of five children.
  • Her parents were elementary school teachers.
  • Her husband is one-eighth Yup’ik
  • She was a union member and her husband is a union member.
  • She taxed oil corporation profits.
  • During her first year in office, as reported by the Associated Press on May 10, she “distanced herself from the old guard, powerful members of the state GOP (and) stood up to the oil interests that hold great power in Alaska, and with bipartisan support in the statehouse, she won a tax increase on the oil companies’ profits.”

  • She named bipartisan committees.
  • She refunded “dividend checks” back to Alaskan citizens.
  • She gained notoriety for tackling ethic violations of Republican party leaders.
  • She fought against government corruption.
  • She is anti-waste, pro-environmental.
  • She has foreign and domestic energy policy experience with oil.
  • She ran against a Republican incumbent for governor and won.
  • She is a Washington outsider.
  • She has no acquaintances that are convicted criminals or terrorists.
  • She only has one home. And even though it’s not being foreclosed on, Palin and her husband pay a lot of taxes.
  • She is CHANGE you can believe in.

Sarah Palin is everything that conservatives want and that John McCain and the Bush administration isn’t:

  • She is a fiscal conservative. After being elected governor, Palin sold the governor’s jet on E-bay.
  • She is the only person on both tickets that has federal experience.
  • She is pro-life.
  • She is pro-marriage between a man and a woman.
  • She is a lifetime member of the NRA.
  • She is not only pro-military, Palin is proud of our military. Their 18 year old son enlisted in the Army, is in the infantry brigade and will soon be deployed to Iraq.
  • She is an environmental realist who as governor of Alaska sued the federal government for unnecessarily putting polar bears on the endangered species list and preventing oil exploration.
  • She wants to drill for oil in ANWR.
  • She can hunt, shoot, and gut moose, ice fishes without hurting humans.
  • She owns and flies a float plane.
  • Described in the Almanac of National Politics as “an avid hunter and fisher with a killer smile who wears designer glasses and heels, and hair like modern sculpture.”

  • She is a Washington outsider.
  • She earned her way up through politics, not through family or through money connections.
  • She is the most popular governor in the United States. Voters in Alaska love her! 80% approval rating.
  • She is CHANGE you can believe in!


Barack Obama has gone from community agitator to wanting to be president. McCain picked a Vice President in Sarah Palin who has more experience to be president than the Democrats pick for the presidency.

She is more qualified to be in the White House as president than Barack Obama. She believes in HOPE, in life, and in the goodness of our country. She epitomizes the woman’s movenment and in the equality of all.

She’s been a multiple term city councilwoman, a mayor, a governor and now a Vice Presidential candidate. Sarah Palin is an American through and through. Obama is a Socialist, Communist and Muslim sympathizer who believes that America needs to be knocked down a notch or two so that other countries will respect us.

Democrats, Independents, Liberatarians, Republicans, women, minorities, Christians, Hillary-supporters, and conservatives are going to be impressed with Sarah Palin.

The liberals, MSM’s, and Obama’s campaign team are going to try to demonize this woman of integrity and good character. That’s not going to change. The leftist loonies will be wailing and gnashing their teeth. They can’t claim Republicans are sexists or racists.

Change you can believe in? Sarah Palin is the change that we need to see in the GOP. Senator John McCain has picked a running mate with values and integrity that conservatives can get behind and support. It’s about time.

Written by smalltalkwitht

August 29, 2008 at 3:24 pm

Pepperdine Professor Wrongly Denied Communion Over Obama Support

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Professor Doug Kmiec, Pepperdine University faculty on constitutional law, was denied the Eucharist over his public support of Barack Obama for the 2008 presidential election. Obama’s decision to have a Catholic advisory committee is outrageous considering his belief that human life – babies – are a punishment for sexually active teenagers but even more surprising is that there are Catholics who want to see him elected and want to be on a committee of a candidate that has the support of NARAL.

Canon lawyer Edward Peters says Professor Kmiec is due an apology from the Church . Read his explanation here.