Sma' Talk Wi' T

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Archive for July 2006

Limbaugh Agrees With Sma Talk

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UPDATE: Limbaugh agrees with T.

Bolton’s smackdown of Kerry at the Joint Session of Congress was something to behold. Senator Kerry (D) finally found his way into Congress in the last half hour, apologized for his lateness, then tried to bait Bolton by asking him what were his views of the UN, what UN reforms would Bolton make, then pressed Bolton for more. Bolton had to effectively and consistantly correct Kerry’s misinformation and spin with facts that Kerry seemed to have trouble comprehending.

Even The New York Times didn’t think much of Kerry’s attempts to discredit Bolton’s success since they didn’t even mention him as being part of the so-called Democratic “attacks.”

Mr. Bolton came under attack from Democratic senators — led by Joseph R. Biden Jr. of Delaware, Christopher J. Dodd of Connecticut and Russell D. Feingold of Wisconsin — who accused the ambassador of being ineffective at the United Nations, of having bullied an intelligence analyst and of abusing his authority by seeking names of Americans whose conversations were captured in eavesdropping operations.

Even Reuters doesn’t mention Kerry in their review of the day’s proceedings. Watch the segment on C-span (after Sen. Obama, approximately 3:22:30). I feel a little sad for Kerry.

Written by smalltalkwitht

July 31, 2006 at 10:55 pm

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Gotta Love Jelly Belly Red Sox!

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No sugar coating the Red Sox tonight. They win 9 – 8 against the Cleveland Indians in tough game down to the last run.

Written by smalltalkwitht

July 31, 2006 at 10:50 pm

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The Summer That Drive-Ins Returned

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During the 60’s, I remember our parents piling three and then four of us (all under the age of six) in the beige family car. We were excited because we were outside at night, although the sun was still out, and we were in our pajamas. My dad lit the mosquito coil repellent and attached the speakers to the window. We were parked underneath a gigantic white screen with dozens of other cars near the lake, waiting for sunset so the movie would begin. The cartoons that played first were colorful and melodic, the playground had swings, and we could smell popcorn.

Do you have summertime memories of drive-in theatres? I do. The 1978 movie ‘Grease’ with scenes of Danny Zuko breaking up with Sandy as hot dogs danced on the screen reinforced those childhood memories. The last movie I saw at a drive-in was Al Pacino’s Serpico which would put it around 1974. We still have drive-in ruins standing around the area, but none that I know of that are in operation. I’m glad to see drive-ins making a comeback. What a wonderful way to enjoy a family movie, the night sky, and fun with your kids.

It’s a smokers’ and drinkers’ paradise where pajama-clad children and crying babies are welcome and bug spray is essential: The drive-in movie theater is making a muted comeback in the United States.

While it’s not quite a return to the heyday of the 1950s, when there were more than 4,000 outdoor theaters across the country, 20 new drive-in cinemas have opened up during the past year, taking the national total to 420.

The family-friendly atmosphere is a stark contrast to the dark days of the drive-in between the 1960s and 1990s when many were closed and others began showing X-rated movies in a last-ditch bid to attract customers. There are no longer any pornographic drive-ins.

“The drive-ins are coming back due to the value they have to offer,” said Walt Effinger, president of the Baltimore-based United Drive-In Theater Owners Association (UDITOA).

“You get two movies for one low price,” he said, referring to the practice of drive-ins screening two movies a night for one admission charge.

The Loss Of Drive-Ins Across The United States
Drive-In has history, screen savers, intermission cartoons, and ads.

Leave your memories of your drive-in days and before you leave this post… how many of you drove off with the speaker still in the window? I knew it.

Written by smalltalkwitht

July 31, 2006 at 7:08 pm

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The Book Of Invasions Records Ancient Ireland

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Have you heard the mythology of the Milesians? The Irish newsletter is a great way to keep up on what’s going on in Ireland, learning Gaelic phrases, and reading Irish homeland memories or stories.

The ‘Leabhar Gabhala’ or ‘book of invasions’ is a manuscript that records the ancient history of Ireland. It was written in the eleventh century and gives a vital account of the invasion by the Gaels, the ‘Sons of Mil’, the Milesians.The story of the Milesians begins in Scythia in the very south-eastern part of Europe in the
millennium before Christ.

These were a nomadic people famed for their prowess with horses. They were ruled by King Fenius who had a grandson named Gaedhuil, or ‘green gael’. Having been bitten by a snake the boy was taken by his father to Moses, who cured him with his staff. Moses told the boy that he would travel to a land without snakes, an island to the west, where his descendants would remain.The boy travelled throughout Europe and settled in Spain where he was known as Milesius and became King. His brother, Ith, discovered the island that Moses had told him
about, but was killed by the Tuatha de Danaan, the people of the Goddess Danu. By this time Milesius had also died but his wife, Scota, and his sons, swore vengeance on the Tuatha de Danaan and set off for Ireland. Victory was theirs despite Scota being a casualty of the war. The sons of Milesius, Eber and Eremon, became rulers of Ireland, the land without snakes.

The two rulers divided the country between them with Eber ruling the North and Eremon the South. Needless to say, the peace of the land was short-lived with a battle ensuing to claim the hill of Tara. Eremon prevailed, and became King of Ireland. Academic scholars are unsure of when exactly the Milesian invasion occurred. Some estimate it at 1000 bc, others as early as 3500 bc.

Despite the difficulty with verifying traditions and legends there is good evidence to prove the existence of the Milesians as a Celtic race of people. The descendants of the Milesians include ‘Niall of the Nine Hostages’ (from whom all O’Neills are descended), Conn of the Hundred Battles, and Ugani Mor. It is based on this pedigree that the Milesians are regarded as the true fathers of the Irish people.

Written by smalltalkwitht

July 31, 2006 at 3:12 pm

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French Blogs Lead The World In Something

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But what blogs are they reading? Since the 2003 boycott of French products and France itself, who cares?

The French distinguish themselves, both statistically and anecdotally, ahead of Germans, Britons and even Americans in their obsession with blogs, the personal and public journals of the Internet age.

Sixty percent of French Internet users visited a blog in May, ahead of Britain with 40 percent and little more than a third in the United States, according to Comscore, an Internet ratings service.

Likewise, French bloggers spent more than an hour in June visiting France’s top-rated blog site, far ahead of the 12 minutes spent by Americans doing the same and less than 3 minutes for Germans, according to Nielsen/NetRatings.

More than three million Internet users, or more than 12 percent of those online in France, have created a blog, according a study released in June by the ratings agency Médiamétrie.

“You cannot be elected president of France without a blog,” said Benjamin Griveaux, director of Web strategy for Dominique Strauss-Kahn, a former finance minister who in 2004 was among the first politicians to start a blog. “Blogs have not replaced traditional media, but they are absolutely necessary for every politician.”

French blogs stands out in other measurable ways. They are noticeably longer, more critical, more negative, more egocentric and more provocative than their U.S. counterparts, said Laurent Florès, the French-born, New York-based chief executive of CRM Metrix, a company that monitors blogs and other online conversations on behalf of companies seeking feedback on their brands.

Written by smalltalkwitht

July 31, 2006 at 2:52 pm

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Send Cesar Millan To Lebanon To Straighten Them Out

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I was reminded of appeasing terrorists while watching The Dog Whisperer last night on television. In this episode, home and residents were being held hostage by an 11-month old beagle, Sugar who took away any item off tables and chairs that the humans in the household were using: plastic cups, newspapers, cell phones, pillows. Even with daily exercise, the beagle was uncontrollable, chewing on everything and snatching whatever he wanted. This 15 pound animal was in control of a household of two adults weighing at least 200 pounds each, and two 60-pound children. The young dog would pull on the children’s clothing and bite them on the backs of their legs. When commanded to drop or release the item, or to leave the children alone, the puppy would refuse, continue to do what it wanted, and at the last minute, just run away with the item and refused to be caught. How did the owners get their items back from the dog? They would offer him a cookie and when he was eating the cookie, they would snatch their item away and run away from the dog.

Cesar Millan, the Dog Whisperer, saw the problem of the owners rewarding an animal for bad behavior. In fact, on his blog he states: “Remember, dogs can sense weakness from those who are perceived to be weak-minded. “

The situation is the same with terrorists: Show any sign of weakness and you empower the terrorists. We don’t need to appease Hezbollah, Hamas, or Al-Qaeda with treats such as cease fires, truces, and more concessions, we need to show who is stronger and more dominant. No more pussy-footing around, it’s only showing the world that the West is weak. That will only empower the terrorists to continue their attacking while being rewarded with winning the global war.

David Horowitz on the Jaws of Defeat.

According to a recent poll in Lebanon eighty percent of the Lebanese Arabs support Hezbollah. In other words, just as Hamas (created by the same Muslim Brotherhood as spawned al-Qaeda) is now the Palestinian government, so Hezbollah
will emerge as the government of Lebanon. The Lebanese army will become the new Hezbollah “militia,” with 75,000 soldiers added to its terrorist ranks. Only this won’t be a militia. It will be the terrorist army of a sovereign power enjoying the right to openly negotiate its arms deals with Syria and Iran. The next battle with Iran, in other words, will be World War III.

Jack Kelly’s insight on about submitting to terrorists.

Wars typically start because peoples have irreconcilable goals. This conflict arose because Hezbollah wants to destroy Israel, and Israel doesn’t want to be destroyed. It’s hard to see how it can be resolved by negotiation. Hezbollah wants to kill all the Jews.

What’s the middle ground?

Should we let Hezbollah kill half the Jews?

Or whack an arm or a leg off all of them?

Written by smalltalkwitht

July 31, 2006 at 2:25 pm

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Unemployed Could Find Work, But Don’t Want To.

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I’m surprised to find the NYTimes writing an article that shows there are unemployed persons who could work if they wanted to but are either too lazy, too proud, not motivated, have wives who work, or other alternatives.

Millions of men … in the prime of their lives, between 30 and 55 — have dropped out of regular work. They are turning down jobs they think beneath them or are unable to find work for which they are qualified, even as an expanding economy offers opportunities to work.

About 13 percent of American men in this age group are not working, up from 5 percent in the late 1960’s. The difference represents 4 million men who would be working today if the employment rate had remained where it was in the 1950’s and 60’s.

Many of these men could find work if they had to, but with lower pay and fewer benefits than they once earned, and they have decided they prefer the alternative. It is a significant cultural shift from three decades ago, when men almost invariably went back into the work force after losing a job and were more often able to find a new one that met their needs.

Written by smalltalkwitht

July 31, 2006 at 2:07 pm

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Photographs of Hezbollah In Beirut

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Hezbollah is only in South Lebanon? Wake up, folks, Hezbollah is in all of Lebanon behind every woman and child.

The images, obtained exclusively by the Sunday Herald Sun, show Hezbollah using high-density residential areas as launch pads for rockets and heavy-calibre weapons.

Dressed in civilian clothing so they can quickly disappear, the militants carrying automatic assault rifles and ride in on trucks mounted with cannon.

The photographs, from the Christian area of Wadi Chahrour in the east of Beirut, were taken by a visiting journalist and smuggled out by a friend.

Written by smalltalkwitht

July 31, 2006 at 12:37 pm

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In A Nutshell…

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Ok Israel, you’ve made your point. The world, especially the Middle East has your undivided attention. It’s time to let diplomacy give it a go and give the innocents a break.

Why all the fuss over Mel Gibson? What he said about Jews was only an opinion. Even a drunk has First amendment rights.

Shame on you Antonio Castenada, your Associated Press article which identified a Marine Corp sniper by name was just plain stupid and could put his family at risk. The terrorists have operatives here in America too. Next time, think before you ink, ok?

Workers at the Walmart stores in China are now being represented by a Union, the All China Federation of Trade Unions. No mention of any union at the Chinese owned and successful upstart Wu Mart chain. Hmm, how do you say hypocrisy in Mandarin?

The Pope has called for a cease fire in the Middle East. That’s good start Your Holiness but it falls short of what you might accomplish if you realized the power of the influence you have.

Written by smalltalkwitht

July 31, 2006 at 8:09 am

Israel Suspends Air Strikes For 48 Hours

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Condoleeza Rice is instrumental in persuading Israel to suspend air strikes on southern Lebanon on Monday for 48 hours to investigate a raid in Qana, Lebanon, that killed at least 54 civilians.

Blair has faith in Middle East strategy.

Written by smalltalkwitht

July 30, 2006 at 11:26 pm

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