Sma' Talk Wi' T

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Archive for January 2010

Why Do Conservatives Support Scott Brown?

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Sarah Palin recently responded to an interview question by saying that she would have endorsed Scott Brown if she had been asked to. How could someone who has such strong, Christian, anti-abortion views as Palin, endorse a candidate who is pro-abortion? How can conservatives be so enthusiastic in support of someone who is so much in favor of the kind of state intervention in the economy that Massachusetts has adopted in its “universal healthcare” program? Isn’t this rank political expediency, a repudiation of core beliefs for short term political advantage? Absolutely not.

Palin, Rush Limbaugh and other true conservatives are able to support Scott Brown because a true conservative is an idealist, but also a pragmatist. Scott Brown was by far the more conservative candidate in this election. Whatever Brown may think about state intervention is the economy, he clearly wants to keep the federal government out of it. Whatever Brown may think about the “right” to abortion, he favors parental notification, is against partial birth abortion and is pro-traditional marriage.

More to the point, as a U.S. Senator, Brown will be in a position to vote in support of his conservative positions, while those on which he is more liberal will simply not be at issue. For example, he will be able to vote against Obamacare, in support of enhanced interrogation, and in favor of reducing federal taxes. But he will not be voting on the legality of abortion in general, or on state regulation of healthcare. Thus, while his views may be a mix of liberal and conservative, the practical fact is that, on the issues he will actually be voting on, he appears to be a reliable conservative.

We conservatives do believe in a big tent, so long as those we invite in are not in a position to kick out the tent poles.

Written by GaryM

January 18, 2010 at 4:24 pm

More Democrat Thuggery In Massachusetts Election

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Preventing free speech seems to be more and more commonplace in Obamaworld. Martha Coakley is campaigning against Scott Brown for Ted Kennedy’s senate seat. She was in D.C. to raise funds from healthcare lobbyists (I thought Obama said no more lobbyists in his administration?)and has an Obama thug get rid of a reporter asking important questions.

Click on poster to enlarge it. It’s speaks volumes about Democrats.

H/T and for more Scott Brown Posters go to ScottBrownonCapeCod.

Written by smalltalkwitht

January 13, 2010 at 6:38 pm

Sacred Modern Art

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God’s touch in my email today with two separate messages of sacred modern art. Cameron Smith’s painting is remarkably poignant with his Catholic vision of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Please check out Mr. Smith’s beautiful artwork at his website, Such work deserves to be bought, admired, and used in our lives for contemplation as a reminder of God’s love for us.

The next video had me awestruck at the artist’s ambidextrous ability and rhythym without any utensils or materials but sand. Twenty-four year old, Kseniya Simonova is the Ukraine’s 2009 “You’ve Got Talent” winner.

“[Simonva] …draws a series of pictures on an illuminated sand table showing how ordinary people were affected by the German invasion during World War II. Her talent, which admittedly is a strange one, is mesmeric to watch.

The images, projected onto a large screen, moved many in the audience to tears and she won the top prize of about $75,000.

She begins by creating a scene showing a couple, sitting holding hands on a bench under a starry sky, but then warplanes appear and the happy scene is obliterated.

It is replaced by a woman’s face crying, but then a baby arrives and the woman smiles again. Once again war returns and Miss Simonova throws the sand into chaos from which a young woman’s face appears.

She quickly becomes an old widow, her face wrinkled and sad, before the image turns into a monument to an Unknown Soldier.

This outdoor scene becomes framed by a window as if the viewer is looking out on the monument from within a house.

In the final scene, a mother and child appear inside and a man appears standing outside, with his hands pressed against the glass, saying goodbye.

The Great Patriotic War, as it is called in Ukraine , resulted in one in four of the population being killed, with eight to 11 million deaths out of a population of 42 million.

Kseniya Simonova says:

“I find it difficult enough to create art using paper and pencils or paintbrushes, but using sand and fingers is beyond me. The art, especially when the war is used as the subject matter, even brings some audience members to tears. And there’s surely no bigger compliment.”.

Thanks and a tip of the paintbrush to Jean and Marie.

Written by smalltalkwitht

January 8, 2010 at 6:01 pm

This Is Not A Happy Couple

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Michelle looks like she’s not proud of her country anymore and Barack Hussein Obama looks like he’s posing for his Hussein statue. The couple’s snapshot reminds me of a Batman movie outtake although in this version he’s one of the bad guys.

Posted by the Communists 4 Obama blog.

H/T to Dave. Thanks for the chilling picture. I’m not going to be able to sleep for a long time.

UPDATE: Getting more comments on the left-handed salute. Wondering if the photo has been flipped. Naww… The Obamas know how to salute, right? I mean RIGHT?

UPDATE: Snopes says this photo was from 2002 and photoshopped. Okay… BUT they still aren’t very happy saying the pledge of allegiance.

Written by smalltalkwitht

January 7, 2010 at 11:59 pm

Congress Needs To Take Ray Stevens Seriously

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I have listened to Ray Stevens since I’ve been a little girl and laughing with my Dad when Ray sang Gitarzan.

Ray is Middle America, your average everyday guy, a simple man who loves America. He’s a comedian, composer, singer, and now he’s a Patriot.

More inspirational Tea Party Anthems:

Lloyd Marcus Tea Party Anthem

Rivoli Revue U.S.S.A.

Written by smalltalkwitht

January 7, 2010 at 10:44 pm

NY Times Fauxtography Attempt To Manipulate Florida Senate Race

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There is no doubt RINO Gov. Crist is in trouble with his Senate campaign race. Despite deep-pocketed, lobbyist, financial support and GOP career politicians pissing Florida’s conservative voters off before Florida’s 2010 primary, Crist is neck and neck with a true conservative, Marco Rubio.

Seeing the writing on the wall for Republican moles, the New York Times jumps to the rescue by attempting to manipulate voter perceptions of Senate candidates.  NY Times reporter, Mark Leibovich helps the RINO politician’s declining popularity by reinforcing Crist’s moderate appeal to concerned Democrats and fleeing Independents. The story “The First Senator From the Tea Party?”  has Leibovich’s personal commentary throughout:

“Charlie Crist’s perma-tanned face bears none of the strain you would expect from the archetype of the embattled Republican.  Politicians are supposed to keep up appearances, but Crist is especially convincing, one of the more earnest politicians you will see, whether or not he means it.”

“It is not uncommon for a party out of power to undergo an identity crisis and an internal bloodletting, and it is Crist’s bad luck that his race in 2010 fits the frame of a philosophical debate that has been fulminating in the Republican Party for several months. The race, and the national debate, pits the governing pragmatists against the ideological purists.”

Crist is a master of the small gestures through which savvy governors accrue easy good will — say, changing the date of a special election in a heavily Jewish district of South Florida so it would not fall on Passover. He is animated in discussing how much he likes his current job. “Thanks to the people, I have this beautiful home in Tallahassee,” he says, placing his hand over his heart. “You know, there is a state jet and 24/7 protection, and all that goes away if I have the honor of getting elected to the U.S. Senate.”

“He likes Crist because he is a gentleman and not one of those “in-your-face fundamentalists, like what you see on cable TV today. 

“Charlie is a class act and a pro and a solid Republican,” Spain said. “And he is not one of these combative bomb-thrower types that seem to be taking over so much of what are in politics today, including here. This is no time for bomb-throwers and fundamentalists.”

One of Crist’s gifts as a politician is that he gives exceedingly disciplined interviews.”

“I mentioned this to Crist — in the vein of, “Governor, you can’t buy a break” — and he winced. “It’s all right,” he said, taking a deep breath. “It will work out.”

Liebovich writes of Marco Rubio:

Rubio, a self-styled “movement conservative” whose parents were exiled from Castro’s Cuba, is a great hope to a party that has suffered an exodus of Hispanic voters in recent elections. He made the cover of National Review, won the endorsement of the Club for Growth, a conservative imprimatur and A.T.M., and has drawn big love from George Will, Karl Rove and Rush Limbaugh, the Palm Beach resident. Sarah Palin has not spoken publicly about the race, but Rubio supporters who met her during book stops in Florida say she spoke glowingly of Rubio, and it would surprise no one if she endorsed him.”

“[Rubio] reminiscent of a not-yet-humbled dot-com entrepreneur from the late 1990s.”

“Even when standing in one place, Rubio is a quivering bundle, his right leg shaking behind the lectern. He jackhammers his message about America’s exceptional status in the world.”

“He sucked his teeth in an exaggerated grimace. “I’m not a fan of personality-based politics,” Rubio said.”

“The so-called Republican establishment is under great duress, if not siege.”

“Greer is the face of the Republican establishment in Florida — and it is not a calm face. He has bulged eyes and reddened cheeks.”

The rest of the article is anti-Tea-Party, disparaging Republicans rhetoric. You get the picture. 

Crist is a calm pragmatist, real conservative, sincere, who works hard, cares about you, and endorsed by Republicans John McCain, Mitch McConnell.  Rubio, is nervous (Code for Republican version of Chris Matthew’s leg tingler), associated with the Tea Party movement  (Code for “tea bagger”), Club for Growth (Code for big growth, developers)  Karl Rove, Rush Limbaugh, Palm Beach (Code for those rich folks), not yet- humbled dot-com (Code for arrogant, rich, scammers),  jackhammering American exceptionalism (Code for Bush bullying).  who would be endorsed by Sarah Palin (Code for right-wing extremist).  Leibovich’s perceptions are saturated by his desires for leftwing end results.

The entire 8-page state-run media propaganda piece is a very subtle, sweet but cut-throat, deliberate, attempt to consciously influence readers into a negative perception of conservative Marco Rubio and a positive moderate, “fair and balanced” portrait of Charlie Crist.

Am I taking Leibovich’s article out of context?  You decide.  NY Times is giving the Associated Press a run for the fauxtography award.  Look at the two photographs of the candidates the NY Times ran with their distorted reporting. Now really, who would you want to vote for?

In liberals eyes, Marco Rubio’s photograph represents what they want you to believe about the charismatic and conservative new face of the GOP.  They are subliminally communicating, heck… they are screaming “Would you vote for a little boy wringing his hands in the corner?”  Now look at Governor Charlie Crist’s photograph. Don’t you want a real man, a real governor who cares about you in Congress?”

If you want to see awe-inspiring videos and photographs of a true patriot who cares about Florida, our country and our Constitution, please look at this Marco Rubio video. When you watch him speak and listen to his words, you know our rights will be protected, and our country secure in its freedoms.  Marco Rubio, is the closest this state has to being a Ronald Reagan. 

Don’t let the NY Times thwart Marco Rubio’s chances of representing true conservative values in Congress! We don’t need any more “compassionate” conservativism in Washington.  Please go to Marco Rubio’s website and give your support so that he can counter the free “propaganda” that the MSM’s and leftist state-run media outlets are providing to RINO’s and liberals.

We can make a difference and “Flip the House” in 2010!

UPDATE: Ouch! McLaughlin Group calls Gov Charlie Crist the most overrated, mostly absentee governor of 2009!

Newsbusters has same opinion on Leibovich’s “personality” post.

Written by smalltalkwitht

January 7, 2010 at 5:02 pm

Oh You Beautiful Doll

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Dolls taken to new height in this beautifully drawn but freaky animated video. Chucky should be so attractive and easy-going. Enjoy watching, but make sure you look behind yourself first.

Click on Alma from Rodrigo Blaas on Vimeo. It takes a few minutes to load. If you’re into chiller thrillers, t’s worth waiting for.

H/T to Vermontaigne

Written by smalltalkwitht

January 2, 2010 at 10:56 pm

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Hold The Mayo

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There will be less Mayo on Obama’s health care reform diet.

Despite reassurances from the lying President, the Mayo Clinic Arizona announced that they will be charging 3000 Medicare patients to use their services instead of getting it for free before Congress’s health care reform.

Where is Arizona Sen John McCain or lunatic Alan Grayson who told me at union and Democrat-stacked townhall meetings that Medicare services would NOT be cut?

Obama, Democrats, and any RINO’s will pay the price for enacting this supposed “health care for all” aka “killing the unborn and the elderly.” You will spend Hell on Cocytus, the 9th level reserved for intellectual Traitors against God, country, family, and benefactors

God forgive those who are destroying our country. This year we will use our God-given right of the vote to throw out all the self-serving politicians in Congress.

Investors Business Daily: Mayo vs Medicare

Written by smalltalkwitht

January 1, 2010 at 4:55 pm