Sma' Talk Wi' T

Current world events, politics, news, history, culture, trivia, religion, and the quirky

Archive for April 2009

"Mommy Blogs" Need Regulation?

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Moms communicating with other moms may be the next jihadist movement. The FTC is looking into regulating women who discuss products amongst themselves in their “Mommy Blogs. It must be all the conspiring on how to put kids to bed at a reasonable hour that makes the Mommy blogs dangerous.

The Top 50 Mommy Blogs

Written by smalltalkwitht

April 18, 2009 at 9:53 pm

Another Liberal Catholic University Bows To White House

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First Notre Dame falls to secularism, now add another victory in the war against Catholicism by liberals. Georgetown University, world renowned Catholic Jesuit academic institution has succumbed to pressure from the White House. It received word that the symbolic name of Jesus needed to be covered during President NØbama’s speech.

“In coordinating the logistical arrangements for yesterday’s event, Georgetown honored the White House staff’s request to cover all of the Georgetown University signage and symbols behind Gaston Hall stage,” Julie Green Bataille, associate vice president for communications at Georgetown, told

“The White House wanted a simple backdrop of flags and pipe and drape for the speech, consistent with what they’ve done for other policy speeches,” she added. “Frankly, the pipe and drape wasn’t high enough by itself to fully cover the IHS and cross above the GU seal and it seemed most respectful to have them covered so as not to be seen out of context

I wonder why Øbama needs to speak at Catholic universities when he ultimately doesn’t agree with their doctrines? Why do Catholic universities have pro-abortion, pro-secular speakers who denigrate the value of life?

The cover-up wouldn’t be so as to not alienate his global friendly terrorists and Muslim buddies? Øbama did have the nerve to mention Jesus in his speech.

I also wonder St. Stephen, St. Thomas More, St. Agnes, St. Ignatius Loyola, and hundreds of thousands of other martyrs who died because they would not renounce Jesus, would think of Catholic Georgetown University’s actions?

Written by smalltalkwitht

April 16, 2009 at 4:07 pm

CNN Reporter Gets Smackdown At Chicago Tea Party

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I do not know who the non-sign housewife who gave Susan Roesgen the facts about her biased reporting but more power to her. She’s a hero just like Rick Santelli. This is a great video and needs to be across the Internet and major networks.

The Tea Party anger and frustration of the American people is not partisan! The economy is the fault of Congress, both parties, the Federal Reserve, Bush, liberals, and Øbama.

Written by smalltalkwitht

April 16, 2009 at 11:20 am

Revolutionaries Invade Orlando City Hall Steps

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UPDATE: Why isn’t the Orlando Tea Party the lead story on television FOX News 35? There were tea parties all over Central Florida, with thousands of citizens, including viewers in Eustis, the Villages, Celebration, Winter Springs, Indian River, Melbourne, and in neighborhoods all over Orlando. There was no lead story, no coverage this morning between 7:45 and 8:30am. Not one peep. It isn’t my FOX Orlando any more.

Florida Tea Parties

Over three thousand American citizens down to the Orlando City Hall steps with picket signs, posters, and pitch-forked stuck pigs. There were American Revolutionary dressed patriots, citizens dressed like Death, and American Indians. There were conservative speakers on the Fair Tax, against the stimulus, and the anti-America hate speech that Øbama insists on spreading about in his oversea campaign tours. Constitutional rights were on the forefront of everyone’s thoughts.

Take at look at one of the 2,000 + Tea Parties going on today in the country. President Øbama are you listening? Congress, are you listening? 2010 is going to be a revolution in the voting booth. Liberals, Socialist Congress, and RINO’s, unemployment is in your future.

In attendance was Lisa Fereoli, organizer of the first Orlando Tea Party, RESISTnet, a national conservative grassroots organization, Fair Tax representatives, and the usual 911 conspiracy whackos along with liberal loonies.

Over hundred thousand American voters came out today to speak out. We’ve had enough!

Washington, D.C. here we come! July 4th everyone! Wait till you see the fireworks!

Previous Sma’ Talk Wi’ T Tea Party Posts

Written by smalltalkwitht

April 16, 2009 at 10:24 am

Another British Nightengale

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I’m always amazed at the beautiful voices on British Idol. Paul Potts blew me away two years ago, now it’s Susan Boyle. She’s 47, unemployed, never been married, never been kissed, and lives with her cat. Susan’s song took my breath away and made me cry.

Take a listen.

Stay tuned to see if quaint Susan’s joy will boil over and go on to win this year’s contest.

Previous Sma’ Talk Wi’ T posts on Sensational Singers.

Written by smalltalkwitht

April 16, 2009 at 9:48 am

St. Augustine On Crack

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Oh come on… made you look.
St. Augustinegrass

Written by smalltalkwitht

April 9, 2009 at 11:16 pm

US Hero Goes After Murdering Punks

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What would you do if your beloved pet was shot by gang punks in the middle of the night? The liberal MSM’s won’t report this incident and if they do it will be spun so that the good guy is the bad buy, but thank goodness for talk radio and the Fox Network.

I heard these clips today on the Glenn Beck’s radio show. It took my breath away and I had to stay in the car and listen to the entire 911 call to find out what happened. I had seen Marcus Lutrell on Glenn Beck before and I’ve tried to imagine the pain and suffering this soldier has endured to merit the Navy Cross but it’s unfathomable to me, sitting here safe and sound in the comfort of my own. Thanks to American military.

This brave United State SEAL, a disabled veteran who was part of a military team in 2005 in an Afghanistan battle that led to the largest loss of life in American SEAL history. Marcus Lutrell was the lone survivor. It is a customary therapy to provide disabled veterans with a puppy that the injured veteran can love and nurture. The puppy given to Hospital Corpsman 2nd Class Marcus Lutrell. Marcus named her DASY. Here’s where the tragedy continues.

On Thursday I believe it was, Wednesday or Thursday about 1:00 a.m., Marcus is a guy who doesn’t sleep anymore at night. He sleeps during the daytime. And about 1:00 he happened to be awake and he heard a gunshot. He lives on a ranch with his mother in Texas. He grabs his gun and he goes outside. There he sees, I believe it was four. It may be three but I believe it was four young men 18 to 24 years old, all of them, where they had just shot his dog. Marcus’ dog is named Dasy. Each letter represents D A S Y represents one of the fallen members of his team. It was given to him in recovery to help him through the recovery process. This dog means everything to Marcus. Marcus had his gun and he took it out and he put it right between the eyes of one of the guys. He was standing away from them, pointed right between the eyes. Now, here’s a SEAL team member who is wildly, he’s just, he is having trouble, man. He is still recovering from his injuries. He had just gotten out of surgery. He’s standing there with a gun between the guy’s eyes. He doesn’t fire. All four and he’s just saying, “You killed my dog.” They executed his dog. “You killed my dog. Why would you do that?” They run. They get into his car. Marcus gets into his truck, chases them over four counties, finally runs them into a ditch. He calls the Rangers.

The Texas Rangers arrive and these guys, when the Texas Rangers are taking these guys away, Marcus has held them there by a gun. As the Rangers are taking these guys away, they’re threatening Marcus’ life and saying, “When we get out, we’re coming for you next. First it was your dog. It’s going to be you next. You don’t know who you’re messin’ with.” That’s when Marcus kind of snapped just a little bit and said to the Ranger, “Excuse me, ranger, do you know who I am?” He said, “Yes, sir, Mr. Luttrell, I do.” He said, “You might want to explain to these punks because I could have killed them 600 different ways and if I wanted to kill you guys after what you would have done what you just did to my dog, I would have pulled you down into my basement and I would have tortured you for days and you wouldn’t have died until you begged me for death. So before you start saying you’re going to come after me, you better learn who you’ve just whose dog you just killed.”

18 minute 911 Phone Call Chase Audio

US SEAL and hero, Marcus Lutrell talks about his lost comrades and Operation Redwing.

The story of Operation Redwing

How To Tell A Fake SEAL From A Real SEAL

These scumbags don’t deserve the compassion that Navy Corpsman and Hero Marcus Lutrell gave them. They deserve life in prison with no chance of parole. Ever.

Will our justice system give them the punishment they deserve? Or is our justice system “just a system.”

Thank God for all our brave men and women in the military. God bless those that have sacrificed their lives for our freedoms.

Written by smalltalkwitht

April 9, 2009 at 4:36 pm

The List

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“Liberals We Can’t Stand,” by the Right Brothers, January 2008

Did I miss NØbama’s name? If he’s not on it, he’ll be so disappointed. The tune is great, the names are exactamundo!

I can add a few more: Tim Geithner, David Axelrod, Rahm Emanuel, James Carville, George Stephanoupolos, who did I miss?

T/H to RalphReagan and Conservative Notes.

Written by smalltalkwitht

April 7, 2009 at 11:40 pm

United States Is Looking For Mr. Jefferson

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The Mike Church take on the Simon & Garfunkel classic, “Mrs. Robinson”. Mike Church can be heard on Sirius Patriot 144 and XM America Right 166.

Written by smalltalkwitht

April 6, 2009 at 1:25 pm

Showcase The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly

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I understand that showcasing Saddam Hussein’s palatial riches is a testament to Iraq and the Iraqi people’s freedoms and empirical inheritance. But these opulent jewels, artwork, and historical treasures were bought and paid for through the blood of dictatorship, torture, and genocide.

Hopefully the museum will also have a “Chamber of Horrors” that will be a memorial to all those who died under Saddam’s tyranny so the world and the Iraqi people never forget.

Photograph by Jane Evelyn Atwood, Contact Press Images Photograph by Francesco Zizola, Magnum Photos

Written by smalltalkwitht

April 4, 2009 at 8:58 pm