Sma' Talk Wi' T

Current world events, politics, news, history, culture, trivia, religion, and the quirky

Archive for September 2006

Carter And Clinton, Profiles In Incompetence

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Opinions should be based on facts, but facts should never be based on opinions. Judging by the adoration heaped on two Ex-Presidents, Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton, that concept is lost on many in our nation.

Carter is remembered as a peace maker and Clinton for the feel good economy of the 90’s but what really was happening during their tenures?

Here’s what was happening, warring factions around the world were evolving, growing and being emboldened by the inepitude, lack of foresight, and inaction of both the former and the latter which ultimately resulted in the horror of 9/11 and our involvement in a fight on terrorism that will last for generations.

Can we trust our national security and the future of our children to the touchy feely idealogies of the donkey party? History shows that we cannot.

Written by smalltalkwitht

September 30, 2006 at 7:54 am

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Whoda Thunkit

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As the Dow continues it’s healthy averages, one has to wonder why Johnny Lunch Pail and Susie the Steno aren’t feeling any wealthier. Sure, we’ve been taking a beating at the gas pumps lately but could there be a more prominent mover and shaker than the Dow?

NAFTA, the Federalist brain child of the 90’s, isn’t panning out to be the economic boom it was promised to be. Production has increased and yet workers are seeing less of the benefits of it in any of the three countries involved except for those at the high income levels.

Ask yourself this: If NAFTA isn’t working for us, we do we need the North American Union which is merely NAFTA on steroids?

Written by smalltalkwitht

September 28, 2006 at 6:16 pm

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Let Not Your Hearts Be Troubled

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I’ll be away for a few days and while I’m gone, the Grrand Wazoo with all his vast insight generously will keep you abreast of the world events. Keep him company with your comments and conversations. Nothing like a good argument to get the Grrand Wazoo up and going!

Keep looking for the 1,000 post of Sma’ Talk Wi’ T! It’s coming soon!

Written by smalltalkwitht

September 28, 2006 at 5:06 pm

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Hey Bubba, Your Nose Is Growing

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Bill and Hilary Clinton are truly becoming the Bonnie and Clyde of politics. One lies. and the other swears to it.

In his now infamous tirade on the Chris Wallace show, Bubba insisted that he never received any report that Osama Bin Ladin ( OBL) planned to attack inside the US borders. Yesterday, Senator Hilary Clinton said that she was certain that if her hubby had been shown a document indicating such an attack, he would have acted upon it.

Bill Clinton was indeed apprised of OBL’s intentions through a classified document that he signed in December of 1998.

What a perpetual pile of pasture pudding we keep getting from the Deceptive Duo. They put so much spin on history that one tends to make a dash for some Dramamine after hearing them speak.

Hilary either knows the truth and chooses to misrepresent it, or doesn’t know the truth and blindly follows Bill’s lead like a sheep. In either case, she proves again that she is hardly of Presidential caliber and we all ready know that Slick Willy never was.

Written by smalltalkwitht

September 28, 2006 at 12:36 pm

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Eddie Albert, Dead at 55

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Eddie Albert, died today at the age of 55 from lung cancer.

Eddie Albert, a junior before his father Eddie Albert, Sr. of ‘Green Acres’ and ‘The Longest Yard’ fame died last year at the age of 99.

Best known for his role of the blind man in ‘Butterflies Are Free’ co-starring with Goldie Hawn, Eddie Albert Jr also had recurring roles in the nighttime soap opera, ‘Falcon Crest’, the daytime soap ‘Port Charles’, and ‘Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman’.

Written by smalltalkwitht

September 27, 2006 at 11:39 pm

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Hey! Pass That Gas Over Here!

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Gas is $1.80 a gallon in Missouri. Hmmmm seems like it will be down to $1.50 by the end of the year. Poor liberals… can anything else go wrong? Damn that Bush and their rotten conspiracy to force people to pay less for their gallon of gasoline! Have you ever heard of anything so evil?

Some Americans are suspicious that recent steep declines in gasoline prices might be the result of political manipulation, since the savings at the gas pump come just weeks before critical midterm US elections.

Earlier this year, news of record oil profits led many US consumers to believe that energy companies had deliberately kept prices artificially high to improve their bottom line.

Now gas prices have fallen for several consecutive weeks, and recent polls show that consumers have a new suspicion — that the price break is meant to give a boost to a US president and Republican Congress who had fallen out of favor with voters.

Written by smalltalkwitht

September 27, 2006 at 11:28 pm

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Pope Excommunicates Archbishop Milingo Again

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Pope Benedict XVI finally exhausted all patience this week when he excommunicated Archbishop Emmanuel Milingo for his blatant disregard for Roman Catholic doctrine. With a history of voodooistic rituals, exorcisms, healing masses, and the creation of an organization called “Married Priests Now” which installed married priests as bishops, the also married Archbishop will just not go away quietly.

On Tuesday, the Vatican announced the excommunication, the first of a senior prelate in nearly 20 years, and asked for prayer in “these moments of ecclesiastical suffering.”By advocating an end to mandatory celibacy for priests and with his long history of defiance, Milingo was “spreading division and confusion among the faithful,” the Vatican said, adding that the bishop was guilty of “irregularity and of progressively open rupture of communion with the church.”

Technically, Milingo, 76, who was named a bishop in Zambia in 1969, can restore himself to good standing with the church if he repents and disavows his actions, but he lately has seemed bent on mounting a challenge to papal authority. “Representatives at various levels of the church have attempted, in vain, to contact Archbishop Milingo to dissuade him from continuing in actions that provoke scandal,” the Vatican statement said.

The Holy See “had hoped he would rethink his actions and return to full communion with the pope. Unfortunately, these latest developments have distanced such hopes.”Milingo, in Washington, was “reflecting and praying,” a spokesman, Prince Tambi, said by telephone. Tambi added that Milingo said his intention was to help “married priests who are suffering and help the Catholic Church understand them.”

Written by smalltalkwitht

September 27, 2006 at 7:28 am

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English Unnecessary In Japan’s Elementary Schools

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Maybe the United States “habla Espanol” bilingual proponents can take a page from Japan’s new education minister, Bummei Ibuki, who insists that elementary students should not be taught English unless they speak Japanese ‘beautifully.’

“I do not see the necessity at all,” the minister of education, culture, sports, science and technology told reporters. “There is no use studying English unless children speak beautiful Japanese.”

Ibuki said, “Those who want to study English from elementary level can do so individually. I believe (elementary) schools only have to make children develop an interest in foreign countries.”

Written by smalltalkwitht

September 27, 2006 at 7:20 am

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7-11 and State of Florida Tell Citgo and Chavez To Take A Hike

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Well, things move quickly when a company sees a disaster in the making. Can you see the Citgo CEO’s watching Chavez humiliate himself on television in front of the disgraceful United Nations assembly and the anti-Bush Baptist Church that asked him to speak? I bet they couldn’t get their corporate lawyers on the phone quick enough.

BHL has obtained a copy of a letter from Janey Carpenter, Manager of Consumer Affairs that states 7-11 Stores are ending their 20-year supply agreement with CITGO Petroleum Corp. According to Carpenter, the contract ends next week and 7-11 is now making the switch to its own branded gasoline. The company says the change has nothing to do with derogatory comments made last week by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez at the United Nations.

Nevertheless, 7/11 Stores will begin selling in October gas provided by US companies, such as Tower Energy Group in Torrance, CA., Sinclair Oil of Salt Lake City and Frontier Oil Corp of Houston. Carpenter says the signs will start to change, with CITGO signs coming down from the stores’ gas canopy and off gasoline dispensers. More than 2,100 stores are affected. While most of the signs will be changed by end of ’07, not all CITGO signs will be off gas canopies until ’08.

Good move 7-11. It’s the right thing to do. We need to untie the chains that bind us to our enemies.

Meanwhile, Rep. Adam Hanser is asking the state of Florida to void their contract to sell Citgo gas at the rest stop service stations.

Angry that Venezuela President Hugo Chavez called Bush “the devil” and “a “spokesman of imperialism,” Rep. Adam Hasner wrote a letter to Florida Department of Transportation Secretary Denver Stutler asking whether the state could cancel Citgo’s exclusive contract to sell fuel at turnpike service stations.

Hasner, R-Delray Beach, also sent a copy to the president’s brother, Florida Gov. Jeb Bush. “We must send a clear message to Chavez, and the current government of Venezuela, that the state of Florida and our citizens will not support institutions that seek the destabilization of America and our institutions and freedoms,” Hasner wrote.

Citgo officials did not immediately return a telephone message left during business hours seeking comment. “We’re reviewing the letter,” said DOT spokesman Dick Kane said. Hasner said transportation officials were looking into the legal ramifications of breaking the contract. Citgo has operated seven service stations at 45-mile intervals along the 312-mile turnpike since 1994.

It will be interesting to see if they can do it. I know I’m not buying Citgo gas anymore.

Written by smalltalkwitht

September 27, 2006 at 12:04 am

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That’s Why The Lady Is A Champ

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Secretary of State Condy Rice said that Former (thankfully) President William ( Slick Willy) Clinton’s theatrical tirade on Chris Wallace’s show Sunday was “flatly false”.

She rebuked his assertion that the Bush administration did nothing to prevent the 9/11 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center citing the 9/11 commission’s findings as proof.


bulging eyes and wagging finger, Clinton’s performance was one of his best since his impeachment hearings. His comment stating that he would have more than 20,000 troops in Afghanistan was a Strawman statement built upon hindsight.

A dazzling performance once again Bubba, take a well deserved bow, but that “Right Wing Conspiracy” schtick is wearing thin. Taking Rupert Murdoch’s money and then teeing off on his waterboy was tacky and thinly veiled. It’s too late for you to mop up the halls of history with such claptrap, so don’t even try.

Thanks to the Gold Meister for the 411 on this.

Written by smalltalkwitht

September 26, 2006 at 11:57 am

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