Sma' Talk Wi' T

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Archive for the ‘children’ Category

National Anthem Just Magic!

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Seven year old sensational Gina Incandela sings our country’s national anthem powerfully just before the Orlando Magic – Boston Celtics basketball game in Orlando. Despite having autism, this little girl is an incredible talent. Amazing how our bodies work. Diagnosed at two, Gina couldn’t speak until she turned three years old. Check out her webpages and her many music videos. We’re going to hear a lot more from this child performer.

Written by smalltalkwitht

June 1, 2009 at 6:54 pm

David After The Dentist

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A proud father wanted to take before and after videos of the boy after teeth surgery because his 7-year old son was so nervous. It’s priceless.

He was so out of it after, I had to carry him out of the office. The staff was trying to keep from laughing. I had tears from laughing so hard.

He is doing fine now and the teeth are great.

UPDATE: I’ve heard from numerous readers pros and cons of this video. More comments were how funny it was, even some from parents who said they laughed because they remembered their child doing the same thing.

LOL, I’ve seen Lauren like that many, many times before and after her procedures, I wish I had taped them!

A friend Laffs countered with this comment:

Obviously the poor kid was still feeling the effects of the anesthesia. The dopey father found it funny to exploit the kid by putting the video on You Tube subjecting the kid to ridicule by other kids. And we know how cruel some kids can be. Take the chat room for instance.

I don’t think that was the intent, Laffs. I disagreed with OReilly when he said the same thing last night on his show. Before posting the video, I read the information accompanying the video:

This is my 7 year old son who had an extra tooth removed last summer, 2008.

I had the camera because he was so nervous before and I wanted him to see the before and after.

He was so out of it after, I had to carry him out of the office. The staff was trying to keep from laughing. I had tears from laughing so hard.

He is doing fine now and the teeth are great.

Best of all he is the best kid as is his brother William. I couldnt have asked for two better sons!

2/3 Update: Video camera is a flip video. not bad for $150 bucks!

Intent is everything. Culture is changing. We don’t take as many camera pictures anymore but video our family and lives for posterity. How many home videos or embarrassing pictures (that parents put in the grad’s senior year book) did we all grow up with? Each time the family watches the home movies or went through the family albums, those moments were there for the whole family and friends to laugh at. But for the most part, and I would hope every time, the movies and photographs were taken with love. To preserve that time in children’s lives that are too short.

This father loves his family very much. There was no mal intent to harm or ridicule his son.

I also think this is a very helpful preparation video for parents who are taking their children to the dentist. It’s important to be careful taking their children home from any surgery. I can only imagine if the father had not had his son strapped in during the car ride, he could have been hurt.

As to children being cruel? The only difference between children bullies and adult bullies is that the sandbox is larger. People who are cruel with their words and motions, target those who don’t deserve it, believe me Laffs, they pay for their actions. Others know deep down that they are being bullies. Most don’t say anything out of fear and gratefulness that they are not the object of the bully’s ridicule. It’s sad that the bullies want people to be as miserable as they are. Their entire lives must be very painful to be them.

Written by smalltalkwitht

February 11, 2009 at 6:34 pm

Hannah Needs Prayers

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So many of you are compassionate and faithful prayer warriors and ask for prayer intentions. Michelle Malkin’s post today is heart-wrenching. Please keep 4-year old Hannah Garman in your prayers as all the other parents in the world facing the loss of their child to illness.

Written by smalltalkwitht

January 25, 2009 at 1:14 pm

Angelic Voices

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More children singers this week. Can you tell that I love spine-tingling, goose-bump-brilliant music? I love hearing amazing talent that is unexpected. Talent that is not Hollywood celebrity or generational old hat but honest to goodness phenomenal talent. There are many musically talented people in the world, but it’s the genuine goodness inside a certain few that show the world they are special and that I love to hear.

Britain’s Faryl Smith is only twelve years old and yet the maturity and strength of her vibrato and voice is incredible.

Ave Maria for X-masMore bloopers are a click away

Another child, with a light inside him that makes me want to give him a hug, 13 year old treble, Andrew gives more credence to the fact that bullies are nothing but jealous of truly talented and good people. He sings Pie Jesu like an angel.

Previous Sma’ Talk Posts: More Amazing Talent.

Hat tip to Marty!

Written by smalltalkwitht

January 5, 2009 at 1:34 am

Ethan Bortnick: Child Piano Extraordinaire

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Amazing video of precocious 6 year old child prodigy, Ethan Bortnick on the Jay Leno Show. He’a absolutely adorable entertainer. His Russian parents heard him playing his toy keyboard as a baby to the Baby Einstein CD not realizing it was him and not the musical CD.

It’s a great way to start your week off with a smile.

H/T To Marie for passing along!

Written by smalltalkwitht

October 5, 2008 at 5:12 pm

British Medical Journal: Stop Having Children!

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The Independent Magazine’s cover reflects the growing trend of declining birth rates in Europe and the reasons behind it. The British Medical Journal pleads with its readers to stop having so many children because of global climate change. Births are declining but it’s not in response to pleas from environmental whackos.

The magic figure for demographers is 2.1 births per couple. That, allowing for the fact that some girls die before they reach child-bearing age, is the figure at which a population replaces itself. In Europe the last time that fertility was above replacement level was in the mid-1960s. But now, for the first time on record, birthrates in southern and eastern Europe have dropped below 1.3 – well below the 1.5 which the United Nations has marked as the crisis point. If things continue the population there will be cut in half in just 45 years. In Italy, one recent survey put it at 1.2. Cities such as Milan and Bologna recorded less than 1, the lowest birthrates anywhere.


The world’s highest fertility rates are to be found in the most religious countries. People there seem to adhere to traditional views of how the world works. “Food, sex and procreation are core elements of humanity and changes to them are often met with fierce hostility,” says Cleland.

That is true of Christians in the US, Hindus in India and Muslims in many states. The more fundamentalist the leadership, the higher the fertility rate, says Kenneth W Wachter, the Professor of Demography and Statistics at the University of California, Berkeley. Is this because Muslim countries are by and large poor? “In my view the evidence is that there is something intrinsic to the culture. It’s there in the rich Muslim states in the Gulf, in Saudi Arabia and in the Muslim provinces of the former Soviet Union. It is perhaps bound up with the status of women.”

So you might expect, then, that in Europe fertility rates would be highest in the Catholic south. But intriguingly the opposite is the case. It has a more rapidly falling population than the Protestant north. “Not just in Catholic Spain and Italy but in Orthodox Greece the strong traditions … are not boosting fertility rate as many might suppose,” says Coleman.

The explanation? Read all about it here.

Children Are Bad For The Earth.

Reducing Carbon Footprints One Foot At A Time.

British Word Police Target Racist Children

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Children as young as three years old who don’t like ethnic foods and say “yuck” are neophyte racists.

A British government-sponsored organization says toddlers who say “yuck” when given unfamiliar foreign food may be exhibiting racist behavior.

The “Telegraph” newspaper of London cites a guide from the British-based “National Children’s Bureau” providing advice on recognizing potentially-racist behavior in children. It states that includes children as young as three saying “yuck” in reacting to culinary traditions other than their own. The guide, titled “Young Children and Racial Justice,” is for nursery staffs in charge of pre-school children. It states that racist incidents among children in early years settings tend to be around name-calling, casual thoughtless comments and peer group relationships.

The NCB warns that a lack of censure may indicate to the child that there is nothing unacceptable about such negative attitudes.

The mad dogs and English have been out in the midday sun too much. Socialism has ruined the British Empire.

Written by smalltalkwitht

July 9, 2008 at 7:30 pm

Bedtime Proves Difficult For Parents In More Ways Than One

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Finding it hard to put your kids to bed? How about just reading your children bedtime stories? It’s sad that there is a growing number of adults who make up story words, plots, and endings, because they cannot read their children’s elementary grade level books.

One in 10 parents struggles to understand the bedtime stories they read to their children, a survey suggests.

Many skip passages they cannot read or make up words to get to the end of the sentence, the poll for adult learning organisation Learndirect found.

Child psychologist Dr Pat Spungin said parents could help their children boost their English skills by reading them stories. “When parents read to children they are physically close, giving all their attention to their children and sharing the experience of reading something they both enjoy,” he said.

I loved reading to my children. Reading is one of the best things you could ever do with and for your child. Both parents. Moms and dads. Set aside a time every day to read to them, and then when they are old enough, have them read to you. Teach them the excitement of reading.

Best Children’s Bedtime Storybooks

Written by smalltalkwitht

July 23, 2007 at 10:30 pm

Rosie’s Children Need Rescued

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Why hasn’t the Child Services Protection stepped in to take these children away from Rosie O’ Donnell? This woman has serious mental illness issues and is endangering these children.

Written by smalltalkwitht

June 26, 2007 at 4:15 pm

A Religion Of Peace Using 6 Year Olds

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I wonder what they use to inspire the children? Surely it’s not virgins. Would it be video games? The American Israeli Patriot has the disgusting details.

Children as young as six are being used by the Taliban in increasingly desperate suicide missions, coalition forces in Afghanistan claimed yesterday.

The International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), to which Britain contributes 5,000 troops in southern Afghanistan, revealed that soldiers defused an explosive vest which had been placed on a six-year-old who had been told to attack Afghan army forces in the east of the country. The boy was spotted after appearing confused at a checkpoint. The vest was defused and no one was hurt.”

They placed explosives on a six-year-old boy and told him to walk up to the Afghan police or army and push the button,” said Captain Michael Cormier, the company commander who intercepted the child, in a statement. ” Fortunately, the boy did not understand and asked patrolling officers why he had this vest on.” Lieutenant Colonel David Accetta, ISAF eastern regional command spokesman, told the Guardian: ” In the past we have not seen the Taliban sink that low, to use children as suicide bombers. The personnel secured the vest to make sure the child was safe.”

This is our enemy.

Written by smalltalkwitht

June 24, 2007 at 10:31 am