Sma' Talk Wi' T

Current world events, politics, news, history, culture, trivia, religion, and the quirky

Restoring Honor

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Where were you on 8-28? That’s what future generations will ask their parents and grandparents.  The answer for many will be: “I was at the Lincoln Memorial restoring honor.” 

Glenn Beck was told in prayer “Build it and they will come” and they came.  The Restore Honor 8-28 event to inspire Americans to put God back into their lives was a peaceful, inspiring success. Hundreds of thousands (conservative estimates range from 300,000 to 1,000,000) of adults, children, teenagers, families, retirees, small business owners, wheelchairs, and canes, disabled veterans, World War II veterans, Vietnam veterans, Gulf Storm veterans, Iraq and Afghanistan veterans, whites, blacks, Asians, teachers, ministers, union members, gays,  Jews, Catholics, Mormons, and Christians of all denominations.  They came from every state, and from all over the world.  They came to pray, to uplift America, to give our country hope, and to restore honor.

Similar to 9-12 March on Washington, the morning started off with packed DC Metro trains from every direction. Walking to the Lincoln Memorial, we could see the Capital and the Washington Memorial, and we could see the hate.

By 9:00am the Reflection Pond in front of the Lincoln Memorial was already full, the crowds spilling over to both grassy areas on either side to the pond on the right and the World War II Memorial. Placed within view of the crowds were at least eight Jumbotron screens. Families spread out picnic blankets, folding chairs were set up, and people prepared to hear Glenn Beck and his good word.

Dad, Mom, A Family of Capitalists

The faith-filled event began with photographs of every state showing the beauty of America’s resources. Cheers were heard as people recognized their state’s natural symbols.  Despite multiple requests, the military were not allowed to participate, but at 9:59am God sent His own military flyover which drew awes and cheers from the packed crowd. It was an incredible sight to see and my eyes teared up when I couldn’t snap a photograph quick enough. Glenn said there were going to be miracles.

I wore wrist bands for those who were not able to come, my grandchildren, disabled military veterans, mothers, and A Patriotic Nurse unable to get off work. The most emotional moment for me came when Glenn Beck welcomed home the Vietnam veterans. As I wiped the tears from my eyes, I could see that several veterans standing nearby were wiping their eyes as well.

Glenn began with   “America today begins to turn back to God,” and he was correct.

All I saw was kindness, respect, and honor for all people, all faiths, and our veterans, heroes of World War II, Koren War, Vietnam War, Gulf War, and military who fought in Iraq and Afghanistan. No confrontations, no hatred, or vitriole. Everyone was happy and glad to be there. There were some confrontations coming to light after the event like these black Tea Partiers who were being bated by ignorant white liberals.

Courtesy: Iowntheworld

The Restoring Honor agenda was inspirational, featuring the National Anthem, and the songs “Heaven Was Needing A Hero” and “America, the Beautiful,” beautifully sung by Jo Dee Messina. Lined up in a group were over 200 of the charter member’s of the Black-Robed Regiment, ministers and preachers devoted to restoring honor in America in their churches and parishes. An Eagle Scout led the Pledge of Allegiance. Reverend Dave Roever, a Bronze Medal winner and military hero, gave the benediction.

Sarah Palin present the first Award of Merit given to Armed Services veterans, Purple Heart Marcus Luttrell, Navy SEAL, Afganistan, Founder of the Lone Survivor Foundation, James “Eddie” Wright, Marine Sergeant, Iraq Co-founder of
Operation Grateful Nation, and to Thomas Henry “Tom” Kirk, Jr.,Air Force squadron commander, Vietnam Hanoi Hilton,cellmate of John McCain.

The first Badge of Merit awards of Faith, Honor, and Charity were presented to three outstanding individuals for their humanitarian work:

  • For faith, the Rev. Charles Lewis “C. L.” Jackson for his
    charitable work
  • For hope, Albert Pujols for his work with the Pujols Family Foundation.
  • For charity, Jon Huntsman, for his contribution to cancer treatment and research. Sr. Raul A. Gonzalez accepted on his behalf for the Huntsman Cancer Institute.

    Alveda King, whose father was also killed for his Civil Rights efforts spoke evangelically of her legacy as niece of Martin Luther King. Ms. King, a Catholic, she wanted to celebrate the 47th anniversary of her Uncle Martin King’s “I have a Dream” speech, by standing with Glenn Beck, our veterans, and American patriots, praying and singing on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, an activity that had previously been denied to the Glenn Beck event.

    You can view the entire Restoring Honor event here.

    Restoring Honor will be remembered as the day America took back the country for God. Offering up to Him, the work and conviction needed by Patriots to be the shining example on the hill for the next generation. For Glenn Beck is right, we do have in our children, the next George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and John Adams. We do have to make the Pledge, to protect and preserve our country honorably so that freedom and liberty and faith in God will continue to be the American Way.

    Photographs and media reports on Glenn Beck’s Restore Honor.

    Special Ops Warrior Foundation

  • Obama’s Payback Time

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    New Definition of Racism

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    Our whole country has become surreal with Obama’s anti-Christian, pro-Muslim rhetoric and antics. This supposed campaigner of bringing Americans together; no red states, no blue states, tolerance for all, freedom for everyone, standing up for all Americans, has not only failed, but that the division of our country has been his sole Cloward-PivenAlinsky objective. His ultimate goal is to destroy the United States of America and establish his own beliefs of pro-Muslim, sharia-binding, communist elitism. If you disagree with Obama’s regime tactics, you’re a racist.

    Please listen to an important announcement from the White House on racism.

    Written by smalltalkwitht

    August 14, 2010 at 10:10 pm

    Phobias That You Can Relate To…

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    Anteater with BuzzFeed has posted 10 Completely Understandable Phobias. With the explanations and visuals, you’ll will certainly agree with Anteater. It’s a great list!

    The fears that I can relate to are achluophobia, acrophobia, and thassalophobia. Don’t know what they are? Check out Buzzfeed.

    I even have a few more:

  • Capashakedownphobia: A fear of Obama taxing any industry he hates.
  • Pelosiphobia: A fear that Pelosi will say that with her vast knowledge of Catholicism, she is now the Pope and will make abortion a sacrament.
  • RememberNovemberphobia: A fear that in 2010, Obama will create a new calendar where there is no month of November.
  • As long, as Obama and the Democrats are in power – the list of fears will grow.

    Written by smalltalkwitht

    June 21, 2010 at 2:20 pm

    Clear Channel Doesn’t Take Pride In Its Billboards

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    UPDATE: Clear Channel turns down Gay Pride Week Parade billboard. But they did approve two billboards that show a man in drag, and two dads sitting on a couch with their son for electronic billboards in Pinellas and Hillsborough counties. Here’s my confusion: If the below billboard could be deemed offensive or unusable, how would a billboard of a man in drag be appropriate? Come on, Clear Channel. Either don’t sign a contract and take money from an organization whose message you don’t approve or put up the billboards. A billboard of a man in drag is not offensive?

    Read the rest of this entry »

    Help Wanted: New Marketing Director

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    I love Jamaican jerk chicken, but are the connatations of “Jerk Center” conducive to dining with friends over a good meal?

    Written by smalltalkwitht

    June 6, 2010 at 6:44 pm

    The Truth Does Hurt: Illegals Going Home Will Be Better For Them and America

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    Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame
    With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
    Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
    A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
    Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
    Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
    Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
    The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame,
    “Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she
    With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
    Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
    The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,
    Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
    I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

    by Emma Lazarus, New York City, 1883

    As a first generation American, I heard the story of my mother coming over on the boat and seeing the Statue of Liberty as the ship docked. It was a harrowing experience for her, with her thick accent, coming to this country and not knowing a soul. She had a piece of paper with a name on it of a person, a woman she had never met, who was going to allow her to stay until my mother had other arrangements. My mother became a citizen in 1960 in Washington DC. She obeyed the laws.

    When the federal government does not enforce the law, then states must act in its own protection. We are a federalist country, not a democracy. We are made up of states and those states have rights. Arizona’s Governor Brewer asked the federal government in writing five times to intercede and do their job. NO RESPONSE. How can these states defend the borders of our country without the federal government doing their job? Florida has 1700 FHP deputies to help law enforcement to cover 65,000 miles while one sheriff in Texas has 17 deputies to cover 5,000 miles on the border. TX, NM, AZ, CA are overrun with millons of illegals draining the state budgets that should go for its own taxpayers. Businesses and industries are closing because of the fiscal debt of taking care of illegal aliens.

    The financial price Americans are paying in welfare and benefits to unskilled workers in this country is a staggering $3.75 trillion dollars. The true cost of illegal aliens to this burden is tens of billions more dollars, if not hundreds of billions.

    Current immigration practices, both legal and illegal, operate like a system of trans-national welfare outreach bringing millions of fiscally dependent individuals into the U.S. This policy needs to be changed. U.S. immigration policy should encourage high-skill immigration and strictly limit low-skill immigration. In general, government policy should limit immigration to those who will be net fiscal contributors, avoiding those who will increase poverty and impose new costs on overburdened U.S. taxpayers.

    No other country in the world, including Mexico allows illegal aliens to come and go, get jobs, use their schools, health care for routine care for free, provide day care, social security, and collect unemployment. We won’t even go into the extent of crime that is brought into the country with murders, rape, theft, and drugs. But this video has the facts:

    Kidnapping Once Every 35 Hours, One in Five Teenagers Using Drugs Supplied By Mexican Smugglers.

    This is not Obama’s fault, it’s President Reagan’s fault in 1980 in giving 5 million criminals amnesty after they had broken the law by entering this country illegally. What was the outcome? 20 million more illegal aliens. It needs to be stopped now. Bleeding heart liberals and the compassionate uninformed who think they are being righteous are only killing America’s golden goose which lays the golden egg of opportunity for those who want to come to this country.

    Employers of illegal aliens should be arrested. It’s already been seen that when crackdown on employers who hire slave labor (illegals) or the economy declines, they return home. When a company in Phoenix had 300 illegal employees deported, hundreds of AMERICANS applied for the jobs. The statement that illegals do jobs Americans wont do is rhetoric and a lie. After Katrina in New Orleans, companies were hiring illegals to rebuild the city. If even ICE, the U.S. Immigrant and Customs Enforcement hires illegals, why should regular businesses comply?

    The Arizona immigration law does not allow law enforcement to randomly stop anyone. But like the seat belt law which for an entire year after it was passed, a car could not be stopped exclusively for the passengers not wearing seat belts, police cannot stop someone because they “look like an illegal.” Whatever looking like an illegal may be… How about some common sense here, folks?

    Maybe if we had 20 million blonde, blue eyed Scandanavians infiltrating our country illegally, taking jobs, committing crimes, we would be looking for that profile but we are not. The massive amounts of illegal aliens are coming in through the borders along Mexico. Just as I carry my ID with me at all times, I would have no qualms about being stopped and asking for it. When I travel to other countries, the same procedure can happen. In America, when a car full of people with thick Irish brogues driving a car erratically get pulled over, they are asked for their driver’s licenses. If they don’t have one, they go to jail until the police can figure out who and where they should be. That’s the law. Do we have 20 million illegal Irish people in this country?

    No other country in the world treats illegal aliens as benignly or as compassionately as this country does. All illegals, whether they are from Ireland, Britain, Middle East, Scandanavia, China, Australia, or Mexico etc should be sent home. Progressives and Liberals, including Democrats and the Catholic Church, condone this slavery, and help exploitation and abuse of humans by being enslaved, and encourage criminal acts of entering our country illegally when they offer support and assistance and do not state outright that illegal immigration is a criminal act that cannot be tolerated. We are abetting the impoverished, illiterate, and those uncapable of being self-sufficient to come to this country to get welfare benefits that they cannot get in their own country. We are allowing unfit parents and pregnant mothers who have anchor babies and bring innocent children to this country by means that threaten their very lives. Thousands of illegal immigrants die trying to come to this country every year. Authorities in all businesses, political leadership and in the Church should be encouraging other countries in Latin America, the Caribbean, and around the world, to clean up their own governments and take care of their own citizens so that they don’t have to come to our country to eat and find a job unless they do it legally.

    Democrats have long kept generations of families enslaved since the beginning of our country and through the false benevolence of welfare programs. Obama’s partisan agenda of bringing amnesty to Congress will allow him to enslave another generation of ignorant, welfare-beholdened, ethnic Democrats for a powerful voting bloc to let him and Democrats retain their grip on American families.

    Governor Brewer is a courageous woman, who is acting on the behalf of Arizona’s constituents. Arizona’s citizens applaud her efforts. If the actions of Arizona get the federal government to start enforcing their own laws, then so be it. But our country cannot continue the way it is now. America needs to take care of her herself without making her own American hardworking citizens the real poor, wretched, and homeless.

    Written by smalltalkwitht

    April 29, 2010 at 11:19 am

    Noah’s Ark Part II

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    On top of Mount Ararat, Chinese and Turkish archaelogists find more wood remains of a massive wooden planks.

    The group claims that carbon dating proves the relics are 4,800 years old, meaning they date to around the same time the ark was said to be afloat. Mt. Ararat has long been suspected as the final resting place of the craft by evangelicals and literalists hoping to validate biblical stories.

    Yeung Wing-Cheung, from the Noah’s Ark Ministries International research team that made the discovery, said: “It’s not 100 percent that it is Noah’s Ark, but we think it is 99.9 percent that this is it.”

    There have been several reported discoveries of the remains of Noah’s Ark over the years, most notably a find by archaeologist Ron Wyatt in 1987. At the time, the Turkish government officially declared a national park around his find, a boat-shaped object stretched across the mountains of Ararat.

    Nevertheless, the evangelical ministry remains convinced that the current find is in fact more likely to be the actual artifact, calling upon Dutch Ark researcher Gerrit Aalten to verify its legitimacy.

    More links:
    National Geographic
    New Advent – Noah’s Ark (Catholic)

    Written by smalltalkwitht

    April 27, 2010 at 8:26 pm

    Posted in Uncategorized

    We Will Remember In November

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    This video from January 2010 on PowerLine’s blog is extremely powerful.  John Hindraker writes:

    This video doesn’t exactly represent our point of view–we never fell for Obama’s “hope and change” scam–but it does speak for many millions of Americans. It’s nicely done. We’ll see a lot more of this kind of populist calling of Democrats to account between now and November:

    UPDATE: Apparently liberals have been trying to drive this video off YouTube. The original link no longer works; this one does, for now at least:

    It’s not only Republicans and conservatives that are upset with this Obamanation regime. It’s the Democrats, Independents, and Fringe minorities that totally fell for O’s bunk, hook, line, and sinker.

    Patriotic Tricorn H/T to Laffs.

    Written by smalltalkwitht

    April 25, 2010 at 12:46 pm

    American Heart

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    I saw Jon David’s ‘American Heart’ video after reading the summary of a contingent of Central Florida conservatives’ trip last month to Washington D.C. to protest and fight against Obamacare. Tom Tillison’s accounting of what these Orlando patriots accomplished and experienced gave me chill bumps as I felt my blood surge with love for our country and the freedoms that we hold dear.

    Andrew Breitbart, of BigGovernment would like to see the Tea Party’s adopt David’s song as the movement’s anthem. Great idea.

    This is truly a great country that will not fade away as long as we don’t forget how and why this country was founded. We all have American hearts and will never give up. The American people have only begun to fight.

    Written by smalltalkwitht

    April 6, 2010 at 7:13 pm