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Archive for the ‘Red Star’ Category

Surprise: Democrats Preparing For Communist Obamerica

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UPDATE: I guess if Obama scams his way into the White House with his new Communist Regime (and they thought George Bush was bad?), Obama with his Red Star won’t be a citizen of the world. Due to the heinous dictator crimes of the Russian Communist Party, the Red Star is banned in the countries of Hungary, Latvia, and Lituania.

I pledge allegiance to Obama and the Evil Empire and
the Republic of the Socialist Party.

If you need proof that Obama is Communist and will CHANGE the United States of America into the United States of Obamerica is the red star. The American Thinker exposed the Democrat Super Store selling COMMUNIST RED STAR items on tee-shirts, pins, banners, bumper stickers, magnets, and purses. The United States will be just like the rest of Reagan’s EVIL EMPIRE!

There is a disclaimer on the site saying it’s not affiliated with the Democrat National Committee but the URL says:

Who are you supposed to believe?

Look at the site now – because it will be taken down immediately – once they know they have spilled their secrets.

Obamerica fan club items match these fashionable and current global logos and artwork:

China’s Great Hall of the People’s ceiling

EZLN Flag, A Mexican revolutionary group

Russia’s Red Star

Venezuela’s Red Star Banner

Red Star faction of Germany (responsible for 34 assassinations)

Red Star of North Korea

Who will Obama put in charge? Bill Ayers of course who proudly wears the Red Star of revolution on his shirt.

Ongoing Obama Indoctrination of Children

Thank you Bob!

Written by smalltalkwitht

October 28, 2008 at 1:45 pm