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Archive for the ‘Phillipines’ Category

You Deserve A Break Today

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Will police be more likely to write less tickets and provide happy meals in Manila? Will the fast food chain become “slow down” restaurants?

Police in Manila are looking to convert their patrol cars to run on a mixture of diesel and used cooking oil from McDonald’s, officials and the company said Tuesday.
With oil prices at crippling highs, the project would convert cars in the Makati financial district to run on a mix of 40 percent diesel and 60 percent cooking oil, its police chief Senior Superintendent Gilbert Cruz said.

Used cooking oil will be donated by Makati outlets of the hamburger giant, said McDonalds franchising manager Buth Salaya.

Other restaurants are also considering donating their used cooking oil as well, Cruz said.

One police car has been converted to use the diesel/cooking oil mixture and is already in use, and the government is studying how viable it is to convert more vehicles.

Written by smalltalkwitht

July 29, 2008 at 3:44 pm

Catholic Church Issues Mass Attire Guidelines

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The Archdiocese in Manila, Phillipines is posting signs on what is appropriate attire for mass attendees.

The Catholic Church has issued guidelines on what Filipinos should wear to mass in Manila after some parishioners complained about distracting skimpy attire.

But Manila’s archdiocese has issued posters advising women not to wear short skirts, revealing necklines and spaghetti-strap tops to mass, while men are warned against shorts, caps and basketball jerseys.

Instead, female parishioners are encouraged to wear dresses or long skirts and blouses and men are asked to wear shirts, trousers or jeans.

Written by smalltalkwitht

July 4, 2007 at 12:22 am

7,476 Milk-filled Breasts Unite!

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3,738 mothers gathered to break the world breastfeeding record in Manila, Philippines in a determined effort to educate poor, illiterate women that breast-feeding is more nutritious than powdered milk.

In the Philippines in 1950 some 90% of babies were breastfeeding, while in the year 1978 the percentage dropped to 66 among the urban poor population. In the same country in the same year, not more than 27% of the mothers in the elite brackets of society were breastfeeding their babies.

Breastfeeding is a great way to express yourself.
(Pun intended)

Written by smalltalkwitht

May 4, 2006 at 11:31 am