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Archive for the ‘King Middle School’ Category

UPDATE on Maine’s Sexually Active Children

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UPDATE: Portland, Maine health departments have not been following the law and reporting sexual abuse of minors.

Portland’s school-based health centers have not been reporting all illegal sexual activity involving minors as required by law, but they will from now on,city officials said Thursday.

Cumberland County District Attorney Stephanie Anderson questioned the health centers’ reporting practices after the Portland School Committee decided last week to offer prescription birth control at the King Middle School health center.

The King Student Health Center has offered comprehensive reproductive health care, including providing condoms and testing for sexually transmitted diseases, since it opened in 2000. The school serves students in grades 6 to 8, ages 11 to 15. Maine law prohibits having sex with a person under age 14, regardless of the age of the other person involved, Anderson said. A health care provider must report all known or suspected cases of sex with minors age 13 and under to the state Department of Health and Human Services, she said. Abuse also must be reported to the appropriate district attorney’s office, Anderson said, when the suspected perpetrator is someone other than the minor’s parent or guardian.

“When it’s somebody under age 14, it is a crime and it must be reported,” Anderson said. “The health care provider has no discretion in the matter. It’s up to the district attorney to decide.”

Anderson said she contacted Portland officials after she learned that some employees of the health centers, which are operated by the city’s Public Health Division, believed they could decide whether a child’s sexual activity constituted criminal abuse.

In fact, if a child under age 14 was having consensual sex with someone of a similar age, health center employees weren’t reporting it to the proper authorities, said City Attorney Gary Wood. Anderson said doctors and other health care providers in private practice may falsely believe they have similar leeway, but they must follow the same laws.

“It’s clear that it’s going on all the time,” Anderson said. “Either the law is going to be enforced or it needs to be changed. I don’t think a law should be routinely violated.”
Portland’s six school-based health centers had no formal policy on reporting sexual activity involving students under age 14, said Douglas Gardner, director of Portland’s Department of Health and Human Services.

Gardner said it’s unclear whether any health center employee failed to report suspected cases to the state Department of Health and Human Services, but they did fail to report cases to Anderson’s office.

“Moving forward, we will report to the letter of the law,” Gardner said. He noted
that the reporting issue applies to few students. Five King students reported being sexually active last year, and school officials said they were all ages 14 and 15.

Although Portland officials intend to comply with the law, exactly what the law requires remains unclear, Wood said. Having sex with a 13-year-old is clearly illegal, he said, but the law doesn’t address the possibility of the other person involved being 13 years old, too.

“I think (Anderson) has raised a legitimate point,” Wood said. “I’m just not sure that consensual sexual activity (between two 13-year-olds) constitutes abuse.”

What? A 13 year old forcing another child to have sex is not abuse? What kind of convoluted thinking is that? Even if children WANT to have sex means that they have not been raised in good conditions and possibly have even been subjected to sexual abuse at an early age. What is wrong with these liberals?


The explosion of the U.S.S. Maine was the unsolved mystery that “yellow journalism” was waiting with bated breath to happen. It was the controversial miracle that they needed to boost circulation and speak of the horrors of war in the Spanish-American War. Sound familiar?

Well, Maine has exploded again with the Portland, Maine school board usurping parental authority, forcing children in the King Middle School to leave childhood behind and enjoy the traumatic issues of adulthood by allowing them access to birth control pills and patches.

How could anyone make that decision for someone else’s children? Where is the outrage among good, decent parents in Maine and where is the outrage among Maine taxpayers who will have to pay for someone else who is emotionally ill-equipped, physically not mature, has no income, has no job, to have sex when they can’t even read and write?

Birth control has always been controversial, especially in regards to health issues and religion but now the Maine school board are doing what they think is right and tragically some parents believe it is right.

Carol Schiller, the mother of a boy and girl who graduated from King, said she “was elated” at the committee’s vote. She said critics shocked that 11-year-olds have sex should “get over it.”

“It’s much more important that we reach out to these kids and get them the tools they need to stay safe, stay in school and get an education,” she said.

How sick is that? They shouldn’t even be thinking about sex but doing their homework! That’s how you get an education!

Anyone who has been traumatized at the thought of pedophiles and the latest round of children seen in porn films has to be livid at this newest way to sexualize children. I wonder how many liberals sit around and amuse themselves thinking of ways to get children the right to have sex?

But for left wing extremists, it’s not only for sexual reasons that children should be on birth control, it’s about fascism/socialism’s plan for universal health care. For some, the United States has to provide universal health care for everybody. Liberal Hillarycrats and Obamacrats are passionate about this nightmare – they can’t have that many people to have to provide health care. We don’t have the money. It will bankrupt our government and many will die from a corrupt, inefficient health care service. So children must now start taking birth control pills whether you like it or not. It’s better for the world, trust them.

It’s about the Reverend Al Gore’s of the world population control. Getting children to use birth control for their own benefit is a propaganda tactic to rid the world of humans. Too many humans is bad for the earth. Talk about betraying the country…

Children are not allowed to have sex! It’s against the law! What are the schools doing to promote sexual activities when the answer is to just say no! What if the schools decided to have classes in teaching 11 to 13 years how to drink responsibly? Would that be allowed? Even if the parents say it’s okay? Parents who allow their teenagers to have liquor at home can be arrested! It’s not okay, even if the parents think so, to allow teenagers to drink! So what makes sex a safer activity? Birth control doesn’t!

[click on the picture to see larger version] Look at the picture of a classroom at King Middle School in Portland, Maine. Look at the drawings on the walls created by the students. Do you think these innocent, naive students are prepared for the real grunting, physical aspects of sex of the real world? Sexual activity isn’t always the romantic picture that liberals paint it to be. Seeing these young children in the classroom and then realizing that some adults are preparing to ruin their lives forever is disgusting.

Now this Maine middle school, and some others across the country are providing medicine that is not 100% effective, no birth control except abstinance is 100% effective. They are not emphasizing, I guarantee you, that you can still get pregnant on the pill. When a child eventually does get pregnant while on this birth control is the Portland school board ready to pay the lawsuit and 20 year child support bills from the parents, who sues because the school board put their child in danger? Are the Maine taxpayers ready for that?

What about STD’s? What about HIV/AIDS?

What about parent’s authority in their own home? Children thinking that parental discipline was abuse because they were taught by schools during the 1980’s across the country that nobody had the right to discipline them, even if they were misbehaving or disrespectful, is the major cause of why kids are out of control now and growing up before their time.

What about the rampant misogyny, rape, and abuse of females by rap music, young boys and men? Who is teaching young males that you should respect your body and respect somebody else’s body? That ‘Girls Gone Wild’ is not a good thing! Certainly not the school system. Don’t give me that crap about raging hormones either – humans choose to have control of their lives, if they want. We have more abortions and higher birth rates today because of the liberal sexual revolution of the 1960’s. There is no more stigma in having a baby out of wedlock and there should be. It’s disgraceful and sad for the children to grow up without a mother and a father and a safe, secure homelife.

Remember Maine and who is behind this “one more step” to further destruction of the family. In the whacked out left’s point of view, it’s the only way to save their world from being polluted by babies. How selfish and sad is that? Think about how sick the Carol Schillers of the world are. Remember the yellow journalists who want to keep this issue out of the news so that it can control unthinking liberals.

If you don’t want to see the further denigration of the family, voting Republican is the only way to keep the Supreme Court conservative.

My heart breaks for all those children in middle school in Maine. It’s tragic.

Feel like speaking up?

Call, Mail, Fax, Email the Superintendent of Portland, Maine schools. You can save a child’s life.

Jeanne Whynot-Vickers, Intrm
(Okay, you don’t want to even hear my remarks about her name)

196 Allen Avenue

Portland ME 04103

Phone (207) 874-8100

FAX(207) 874-8199

Written by smalltalkwitht

October 26, 2007 at 6:52 pm