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Archive for the ‘Juan Hernandez’ Category

I’m Not !*(@*!(*^#! Supporting McCain And You Can’t Make Me

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On Meet The Press today, Huckabee looked good. He is confident and knows why he’s staying in the race. This is what primaries are all about. Voters can look at what really makes the person viable for being their presidential nominee. Huckabee is still viable and for me, the lesser of evils in the Republican party.

Dr. Dobson, fundamentalist founder of Focus on the Family, endorses Gov. Huckabee this week and his reasoning parallels mine. McCain’s financial scandals withstanding, Dobson pointed out that McCain’s nomination does not support the marriage act, is pro-embryonic stem cell research which is the main support of abortion, opposes tax cuts that ended the marriage penalty, and does not regard freedom of speech. Dobson continues with McCain’s organizing the Gang of 14 to preserve filibusters in judicial hearings, and has a reputation of anger, foul and obscene language, even in public Congressional hearings.

Despite McCain’s pro-military stance with his political career, his military career does not outweigh his past behavior. It’s not what did McCain do for us in the past, but what has McCain done for conservative Republicans lately? He has been the main factor in the reasons why Republicans have lost elections across the country.

Governor Huckabee moderate policies are a few similarities with McCain, illegal immigration for one, but I feel that Huckabee has more conservative values than McCain.

John McCain’s 2000 choice for Attorney General advisor is Warren Rudman. A Human Events article in 2000, touted Rudman’s anti-Christian beliefs:

John McCain has indicated that, if he is elected President, he may name former Sen. Warren Rudman (R.N.H.) as his attorney general.

The pro-abortion Rudman, one of the most liberal Republicans to serve in the Senate (1980-92) in recent decades, is McCain’s campaign chairman. As attorney general, Rudman would become the top advisor to President McCain for picking Supreme Court justices.

When he was a senator in the 1980s, he took credit for persuading President George Bush to nominate fellow New Hampshireman David Souter to the court, and Souter quickly became the crucial fifth vote needed to maintain the court’s pro-abortion majority.

Appearing. on CNN’s “Evans, Novak, Hunt and Shields” on January 15, McCain was asked what he would do as President to keep six-year-old Cuban Elian Gonzalez in the United States. He converted the question into an opportunity to float Rudman as his attorney general nominee.

Said McCain: “If I had an attorney general, I’m sure that that attorney general would-maybe even Warren Rudman-would find away.”

After conservatives expressed horror and the National Right to Life Committee ran television ads blasting McCain for suggesting a liberal pro-abortion attorney generaL Rudman told Fox News he “probably” would not accept the appointment if McCain gave it to him. But he did not rule it out.

When it was reported during the South Carolina primary that Rudman had referred to Christian conservatives as “bigots,” he not only refused to retract the charge, but he also reiterated it, sending to the Manchester Union Leader the appropriate pages from his now out-of-print book in which he had made the charge. Here, along with that passage, are other choice statements from Warren Rudman’s Combat. Twelve Years in the U.S. Senate.

  • Christian Homophobes and Bigots – “Politically speaking, the Republican Party is making a terrible mistake if it appears to ally itself with the Christian right. There are some fine, sincere people in its ranks, but there are enough anti abortion zealots, would be censors, homophobes, bigots and latter-day Elmer Gantrys to discredit any party that is unwise enough to embrace such a…
  • Jesse Helms and Backwoods Preachers -“Why had abortion, a common medical procedure that the Supreme Court had ruled legal 17 years earlier, come to dominate our politics? “The answer lies in the rise of the evangelicals. There have always been backwoods preachers in America denouncing the wicked ways of city dwellers and the rich. But something had changed by the 1980s. One milestone may have been Nixon’s skill in rallying his Silent Majority against opponents of the war in Vietnam. The war passed, but not before such figures as Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, and Jesse Helms had seen the possibilities of using television to rally religious conservatives who felt threatened by a fast changing society.”
  • Colin Powell’s Dissenters – “In early November of 1995, in a remarkable display of political obtuseness, a group of far-right leaders called reporters in and denounced [Colin] Powell and his possible candidacy. They included Paul Weyrich, head of the Free Congress Foundation; Gary Bauer, head of the Family Research Council; David Keene, president of the American Conservative Union; Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform; Chris Ardizzone, legislative director of Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Forum; and former Defense Department official Frank Gaffney. Ralph Reed, director of the Christian Coalition, sent a letter of support. Not only did these political pipsqueaks question Powell’s views on such issues as abortion and gun control, but they challenged his character and military record. This from people who not only have never heard a shot fired in anger, but have never even dropped by a PX for an ice-cream cone. It was an amazing display not only of arrogance but of fear, because these people know that Cohn Powell embodies the very opposite of the ignorance and bigotry that they represent.”
  • Social Issues – “The New Right’s so-called social issues-opposition to abortion, gay rights, flag-burning and funding for the arts, along with support for prayer in schools– were increasingly on the Senate agenda in my first term. A reporter once asked me my views on this ‘social agenda.’ ‘Do you have 15 seconds?’ I asked. ‘That’s all it will take. I’m deeply committed to the right to choose, to the separation of church and state and to personal liberty. The conservative social agenda threatens them all.”‘
  • David Souter – “My guess was that he probably thought, as I did, that Roe had been wrongly decided, as a matter of constitutional law. The court had based the legality of abortion on a ‘right of privacy’ that many of us could not locate in the Constitution. Intellectually, that right of privacy was a very big leap. The court had, I thought, made the right decision for the wrong reason. I suspected that David shared this view, but that because of his belief in stare decisis (the Latin term for judicial respect for precedent) he would never vote to overturn the decision.”
  • Roe v. Wade – “Nor did I disagree personally with Roe v Wade. A decision as personal and momentous as bearing a child is not for government to make.” /li>
  • Abortion – “I was of course pro-choice. I find abortion a lesser evil than forcing women to bring unwanted children into the world. The Supreme Court had spoken on abortion and I respected its ruling.”
  • Repugnant Agenda of Conservatives – “I could see the Republican Party gradually being taken over by ‘movement’ conservatives and self-comissioned Christian soldiers whose social agenda I found repugnant.”

McCain’s A Vicious Person

“He had very few friends in the Senate,” said former Senator Smith, who dealt with McCain almost daily. “He has a lot of support around the country, but I don’t think he has a lot of support from people who know him well.”

Another former senator who requested anonymity recalled an exchange at a Republican policy lunch. McCain turned on another senator who disagreed with him.
“McCain used the f-word,” the former senator said. “McCain called the guy a ‘sh–head.’ The senator demanded an apology. McCain stood up and said, ‘I apologize, but you’re still a sh–head.’ That was in front of 40 to 50 Republican senators. That sort
of thing happened frequently.”

“People who disagree with him get the f— you,” said former Rep. John LeBoutillier, a New York Republican who had an encounter with McCain when he was on a POW task force in the House. After LeBoutillier had openly tape recorded comments at a conference, McCain got the idea that LeBoutillier was secretly tape recording him.

“Are you wired up?”

LeBoutillier quoted McCain as asking. “Of course not,” LeBoutillier said.

“Prove it,” McCain said.

LeBoutillier said he lowered his pants, apparently satisfying McCain that he was not taping him.

“He is a vicious person,” LeBoutillier said. “Nearly all the Republican senators endorsed Bush because they knew McCain from serving with him in the Senate. They so disliked him that they wouldn’t support him. They have been on the hard end of his behavior.”

… Only a few news outlets, like the Phoenix New Times in Arizona and the National Journal, that ran an Associated Press story reporting McCain’s 1998 joke suggesting that Chelsea Clinton was ugly and Janet Reno and Hillary Clinton were lesbians. “Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly?” McCain said at a GOP fund-raiser in Washington. “Because Janet Reno is her father.”

McCain apologized to the Clintons. But more recently, McCain said on Fox News, “You know, the French remind me a little bit of an aging actress of the 1940s who is still trying to dine out on her looks but doesn’t have the face for it.”

“National reporters may genuflect, but local journalists cringe at the thought of covering McCain, better known in Arizona for his short temper, refusal to take calls, and attempts at media manipulation than for the ‘straight talk’ he doles out . . .” a Playboy profile said in February 2000. When people have come forward to relate their bizarre experiences with McCain, only minor publications or the foreign press have run their accounts. The favored treatment is reminiscent of the way the press turned a blind eye to John F. Kennedy’s dalliances — except that voters have far more need to know about evidence of instability than presidential infidelities.


Former Phoenix Mayor Paul Johnson, a Democrat, encountered McCain’s temper when he and other local mayors briefed the Arizona congressional delegation on local issues. After Johnson spoke, McCain said, “Hold it a minute. Somebody write down
everything this guy has to say. You know what, we need to record him. It’s best to get a liar on tape.” Johnson stood up and said, “Senator, if you have a problem with me, why don’t we go out in the hallway and talk about it.”

“You’re goddamn right I have a problem with you,” McCain said. “They’ve been treating you like a princess in Phoenix while they’ve been burning me over this damn deal, and I’m sick of it.”

A longtime member of Senator Dennis DeConcini’s staff, Judy Leiby, worked on veteran’s issues and had differed with McCain on some of them over the years. After DeConcini announced he was retiring in 1994, McCain showed up in his office. “I was standing around talking to about a half a dozen postal workers I’d worked real closely with,” Leiby recalled. “And McCain came in. He walked down the line, shaking hands, and he ignored me. And one postal worker said, ‘Do you know Judy Leiby?’ He said, ‘Oh, yeah, I know her.’”

McCain turned away from Leiby, trembling.

“You could tell he was so angry, he was white,” she said. “He turned back to me and said, ‘I’m so glad you’re out of a job, and I’ll see that you never work again.’”

Of this incident, McCain said that because he didn’t hold Leiby in “particularly high esteem,” he thought it would be hypocritical to shake her hand. “I didn’t raise my voice, didn’t offer any disparaging remarks or insults,” he said.

Meet McCain’s Open Borders Family Michelle Malkin’s eye opening article on Juan Hernandez.

McCain At CPAC – Not Quite The Uniter Michelle Malkin’s insight on CPAC response to McCain.

McCain’s Hispanic Outreach

McCain Was First Republican To Call For Gonzales’s Ouster

Radio talk show hosts not supporting McCain is not about being childish. Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity were out there speaking for conservatives everywhere during the Clinton administration. They were the only conservative outlet for the conservative citizen. When GWB was elected, the liberal MSM’s were whining that conservative talk radio was the GOP’s mouthpiece and listeners were spewing everything they were told to say. Now that conservative talk show hosts are sticking to their conservative beliefs and core values in stating that John McCain is not a conservative, and not going to support him in the election they are lambasted as being spoiled children not getting their way.

Well, which is it? Liberals can’t have it both ways.

Rush Limbaugh is speaking for the millions of conservatives at home who are appalled by the McCain’s supposed inevitability as their nominee in the Republican convention. Governor Huckabee would be the lesser of four evils.

John McCain – you are not my representative.

And if he is nominated, McCain will lose from millions of Republican conservatives staying home. It will be the Republican leadership responsible again for not listening to their constitutents and putting a Democrat in the White House.

Other posts:

Shamnesty’s Voice McCain’s Aide Puts Mexico First

McCain Has Promises To Keep?

McCain’s Too Liberal For Me

Supreme Court Errs On The Right Side

UPDATE: McCain Has Promises To Keep?

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John Edwards quit. Who’s he going to endorse? Speaking from New Orleans, will John Edwards be Obama’s or Clinton’s head of FEMA’s choice?

McCain won. Giuliani quit the race and endorsed McCain. Is he the new Homeland Security Chief? Beware politicians in emperor’s clothing who endorse the leftover candidates. They have jobs in the wings waiting for them.


McCain is leading at 8:45pm with 41% precincts in leading by 22,000 votes. He secured his lead by appealing to the Hispanics with endorsements by Senator Mel Martinez and by Governor Crist, a very moderate Republican.

Are these endorsements in anticipation of Department posts if McCain wins? With McCain’s liberal immigration shamnesty policies, and his feeble acknowledgement to “secure the border” (Does anybody believe that?), these two unconservative politicians stand to benefit the most from a McCain win.

Combine Mel Martinez who wanted to make all the illegal aliens citizens with Juan “Mexico Numero Uno” Hernandez, McCain’s Hispanic outreach representative and you have a North American Union and the loss of sovereignity of the United States squarely in the hands of liberal Republican.

"Shamnesty’s Voice" McCain Aide Puts Mexico First

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Watching McCain discuss policy issues with Ted Russert on Meet the Press is disheartening. McCain’s liberal domestic policies have clearly failed and not resonated with his Republican constituency. Policies such as McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform, voting against pro-life bills, and his horrible support of the shamnesty illegal immigration bill. Russert quoted former conservative Senator Rick Santorum (R-Pa):

“The bottom line is that I served 12 years with [McCain], 6 years in the United States Senate as…one of the leaders of the Senate…who had the responsibility of trying to put together the conservative agenda, and almost at every turn on domestic policy, John McCain was not only against us, but leading the charge on the other side.”

That’s a harsh but accurate assessment of John McCain’s political career. McCain did not have a good reply for Russert but to cite support by several supposedly objective groups and Rumsfeld criticism. He will not unite the party but he is assured the Republican vote if he wins the Republican nomination. He had the gall to suggest that the reason Congress’s approval numbers are so low is because Republicans and Democrats won’t sit down together and compromise their principles. He went on to say that he was proud of his relationship with his liberal-values Lieberman and other Democrats were instrumental in creating a partnership in getting things done the way Ronald Reagan did. Can he cite any of those things accomplished? The 9-11 commission recommendations have not been implemented completely. He did it by compromising his fundamental conservative principles to the Democrats.

How can any conservative voter place his trust in a presidential candidate who names a dual American-Mexican citizen known for his “Mexico first” declarations to immigrants in the U.S.?

McCain campaign spokesman Brian Rogers emphasized to WND that Hernandez is “a non-paid volunteer to the campaign, and he does not play a policy role.”

“Juan works with us to reach out to the Hispanic community to meet with the folks in the various states,” Rogers said.

Asked if the McCain campaign has repudiated Hernandez’s “Mexico first” declarations, Rogers did not give a direct answer. Twice he referred WND to McCain’s immigration position on the campaign presidential website arguing for border security.

In an appearance on ABC’s Nightline in 2001, Hernandez said, referring to Mexican immigrants in the U.S., “I want the third generation, the seventh generation, I want them all to think ‘Mexico first.'” Hernandez told the Associated Press the same year, “I never knew the border as a limitation. I’d be delighted if all of us could come and go between these two marvelous countries.”

Last August, Hernandez published a book entitled “The New American Pioneers: Why Are We Afraid of Mexican Immigrants?” in which he argued Mexican immigrants, both legal and illegal, were at the forefront of establishing a new North American market combining the U.S. with Mexico.

Mark Krikorian, director for the Center for Immigration Studies, asked last night on a National Review Online blog, “Has McCain offered Hernandez, a former high-level foreign government official who presumably swore an oath to uphold the Mexican constitution, a place on a future McCain Administration? That’s not a rhetorical question.”

When Russert asked McCain if the Senate passed his McCain-Kennedy (D-Ma) co-sponsored bill, S-1433 immigration bill, would McCain as president sign it? McCain’s answer was a back-tracking affirmative wobble:

“Yeah, but we, look the lesson is, it isn’t won, it isn’t going to come, it isn’t going to come. The lesson is they want the borders secured first. That’s the lesson. I come from a border state. I know how to fix those borders with walls, with UAV’s, with sensors, with cameras, with vehicle barriers. They want the borders secured first. And I will do that. And as president, I will have the board of state governors secure, certify those borders are secure…”

How can he say that when his Hispanic advisor, Juan Hernandez, former member of Mexican President Vincente Fox’s cabinet, and a proponent of a future Amerimexicanada, is totally against securing the borders? The Michelle Malkin’s newest update on this issue is a must read.

UPDATE: Let’s see how John McCain’s Arizona’s immigration and border policies have worked in the last decade.

  • 2004 – Illegal Immigration is ravaging Arizona “The Costs of Illegal Immigration to Arizonans” shows a nearly nine-fold increase in costs during the past decade. The burden on the state’s taxpayers continues to grow rapidly.
  • 2005 – Arizona Lashes Out At Illegal Immigration According to the Pew Hispanic Center, which like is funded by The Pew Charitable Trusts, the number of illegal immigrants in Arizona has more than quadrupled since 1996 — from 115,000 then to about 500,000 now. By comparison, the number of illegal immigrants in the United States roughly doubled, jumping from about 5 million in 1996 to about 11 million today.

    The upsurge of illegal immigrants in Arizona — on top of an economic boom that caused the state’s population to increase more than 12 percent to almost 6 million since 2000 — is severely straining prisons, schools, hospitals and law enforcement.

    Some experts believe the conflict offers a glimpse into the future of American politics. Politicians in at least 11 states are pushing ballot initiative proposals similar to Arizona’s ban on state services, and anti-illegal immigration measures increasingly are dividing statehouses from North Carolina to California.

  • 2006 – Illegal Mexican Immigrant Invasion Perhaps as high as 80% of the violent crime in Phoenix area involves illegal aliens (according to Chief Hurt and Mesa police violent crimes response team).
  • Illegal Aliens cost taxpayers $68 Billion annually in federal programs in 2002. Studies estimate that amnesty would increase that three fold.
  • $311 Billion in uncollected taxes (Barron’s study). $200 Billion annually in lost American wages. Native-born American men lost an average of $1700 in wages in 2000 due to US immigration policy (Harvard University).
    Maricopa County Hospital loses over $2 million weekly on uncompensated care (largely do to illegal aliens) (2003, 77 border hospitals filed for bankruptcy).Feds owe $25 million in uncompensated SCAAP costs just in Maricopa County, (1/3 of our federal prisons are illegal aliens).
  • Arizona spends over $800 million (K –12) annually to educate illegals.Over half of AHCCCS births are from illegal mothers 1/3 of children in Arizona have immigrant parents.”
  • 2007 – FAIR: Arizona: Illegal Aliens In 2006 we estimated that Arizonan taxpayers are currently burdened with annual costs of about $1.3 billion because of illegal aliens residing in the state. That estimate was based on only expenditures for education, emergency medical care and incarceration. We projected that those costs will rise unless we gain control over our borders and our worksites. If a new amnesty and increases in immigrants and guest workers were enacted, as proposed by business and ethnic advocacy groups, we project that the cost to the state’s taxpayers for those same programs would rise to $2.25 billion per year in 2010 and to $3.9 billion per year in 2020.

So, Senator McCain, how is your immigration/border control that you bragged about this morning working for you? Apparently it’s not working at all.