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Archive for the ‘CEO’ Category

Obama Taps Liberal Loser General Electric CEO For Economic Advisor

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Not only has General Electric lost stockholders money for years, aids and abets our enemies by dealing under the table with known terrorist countries, Syria and Iran, but also owns Obama-supported MSNBC and NBC with their own liberal propaganda machine. The force behind GE, NBC, and PMSNBC is none other than BDS sufferer and anti-American Jeffrey Immelt.

Obama is showing the full breadth of his economic ignorance by appointing Jeffrey Immelt to his Recovery Advisory Board. Is Obama out of his frikkin’ mind?

What about a corporate CEO having to sell it’s company stock and take bail-out money makes anyone, even stupid liberals, think that they have enough intelligence to help the rest of the country become solvent?

Obama has already tapped Paul Volcker, a former Federal Reserve chairman and a top Obama adviser, as the leader of the Economic Recovery Advisory Board. Members will include former Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman William Donaldson, TIAA-CREF President-CEO Roger Ferguson and Harvard University professor Martin Feldstein, who wrote a Wall Street Journal op-ed piece last year titled “John McCain Has a Tax Plan To Create Jobs.”

Obama friend and campaign finance chairwoman Penny Pritzker also is on the board, as is Caterpillar Inc. Chairman-CEO Jim Owens and General Electric Co. CEO Jeffrey R. Immelt. Two labor officials — Anna Burger of Service Employees International Union and Richard Trumka of the AFL-CIO — also were named to the 15-member board designed to offer Obama advice as he seeks a way to weather the crisis and rebuild the economy.

I am stunned to see how low Obama can go. If Obama thinks that this is wise counsel, he is obviously floundering in his own egotistical delusions of grandeur. This does not bode well and should further reinforce Republican AND Democrat Senators not to pass this SHAMULUS bill.

The hurting middle class of this country do not deserve this idiocy. God help us all.

Written by smalltalkwitht

February 6, 2009 at 12:50 pm

Change You Can Really Believe In!

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Norma White for Congress. Her guest column at is as refreshing as Sarah Palin. Her suggestions for changing politics so that ‘we, the people’ are back in control and not corrupt career politicians.

  • Limit Congress from serving more than two terms. That is all that presidents are allowed.
  • Stop Congress from voting for their own raises. How did that ever get started?
  • Stop paying for lawmakers’ high-priced insurance premiums. After all, they are only part-time employees. They might pass some law changes on the insurance companies, if they had to find one.
  • Stop paying lawmakers their full salary after serving just one term, or at retirement. We need to get rid of that pension plan; they’ve let other companies get rid of theirs. You were lucky to get 40 to 50 percent of your salary after working somewhere for 35 years, but they get 100 percent.
  • Make Congress pay into the Social Security system. They make laws for it. If they spent some of their own money, they might be interested in making it solvent.
  • Stop handing out aid to illegal aliens. If we did, then Medicaid and the food stamp program would have enough money to aid the aged and the poor.
  • Secure our borders.
  • Stop allowing babies born to illegal aliens in the United States automatic U.S. citizenship.
  • Stop the abuse of our benevolent welfare system. We feed children free meals three times a day until they are 17. Churches give away good, clean clothes. Companies buy and donate school supplies. Emergency rooms provide health care at taxpayer expense and the food stamp program is buying food at home. What are parents doing for their children?
  • Have a computer program that cross checks Social Security numbers with fingerprints to stop fraud on many fronts. Use it on voter registration, too.
  • Stop bailing out mortgage companies and banks that give loans to people who cannot afford them.
  • Stop companies from paying CEOs and other executives outrageous salaries and bonuses while doing away with workers’ pensions.
  • top all unnecessary spending so we will have the money for our nation’s security, and to help needy and elderly Americans.
  • Stop permitting anyone to have a photo with their face covered on driver’s licenses.

H/T to Bob!

Written by smalltalkwitht

November 13, 2008 at 6:42 pm

CEO Warming Up To Having A Spine

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Two sensible perspectives of the Chicken Littlers of the global warming scare. First is William Buckley’s column comparing the global warming threat to the Inquisition.

Critics are correct in insisting that human enterprises have an effect on climate. What they cannot at this point do is specify exactly how great the damage is, nor how much relief would be effected by specific acts of natural propitiation.

The whole business is eerily religious in feel. Back in the 15th century, the question was: Do you believe in Christ? It was required in Spain by the Inquisition that the answer should be affirmative, leaving to one side subsidiary specifications.

It is required today to believe that carbon-dioxide emissions threaten the basic ecological balance…

To speak in very general terms, the United States is easily the principal offender, given the size of our country and the intensity of our use of fossil-fuel energy. But even accepting the high per-capita rate of consumption in the United States, we face the terrible inadequacy of ameliorative resources. If the United States were (we are dealing in hypotheses) to eliminate the use of oil or gas for power, would that forfeiture be decisive?

Well, no. It would produce about 23 percent global relief, and at a devastating cost to our economy.

As a practical matter, what have modern states undertaken with a view to diminishing greenhouse gases? The answer is: Not very much. What is being done gives off a kind of satisfaction, of the kind felt back then when prayers were recited as apostates were led to the stake to be burned.

If you levied a 100 percent surtax on gasoline in the United States, you would certainly reduce the use of it, but the arbiter is there to say: What is a complementary sacrifice we can then expect from India and China? China will soon overtake the United States in the production of greenhouse gases.

At Kyoto, an effort was made 10 years ago to allocate proportional reductions nation by nation. The United States almost uniquely declined to subscribe to the Kyoto protocols. Canada, Japan and the countries of Western Europe subscribed, but some have already fallen short of their goals, and all of them are skeptical about the prospect of making future scheduled reductions. It is estimated that if the United States had subscribed to Kyoto, it would have cost us $100 billion to $400 billion per year.

Alicia Colon of the New York Sun, gives voice to a CEO with a spine, Bob Murray, the founder and CEO of Murray Energy Corporation who grew up in coal mining country.

[…]probably one of the few CEOs brave enough to challenge the militant climate control movement that threatens the future of America’s economy. In his speech, he dared to say that he regards Al Gore as the shaman of global doom and gloom. He is not joking when he says, “He is more dangerous than his global warming.”

Unlike many heads of corporations who are taking their companies on that long green mile and caving in to the demands of environmental militants, Mr. Murray is fighting tooth and nail for what he says is, “the little guy that nobody cares about.”

“Some wealthy elitists in our country,” he told the audience, “who cannot tell fact from fiction, can afford an Olympian detachment from the impacts of draconian climate change policy. For them, the jobs and dreams destroyed as a result will be nothing more than statistics and the cares of other people.

These consequences are abstractions to them, but they are not to me, as I can name many of the thousands of the American citizens whose lives will be destroyed by these elitists’ ill-conceived ‘global goofiness’ campaigns.”

Al Gore caring about the little guy? Now that’s goofy.

If you’re middle class, working hard, struggling to make ends meet, hectic life, getting by day by day, you better pay attention to those in Washington who are making decisions that will affect your life, your job, your future. Trusting those decisions to the Democrats is not going to bode well for the United States of America. Call me goofy but Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and the rest of the Democrats are only looking for revenge not for the good of the country.

Written by smalltalkwitht

April 3, 2007 at 7:38 pm