Sma' Talk Wi' T

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Archive for May 5th, 2008

Catholic Church Recognizes 17th Century Mary Apparitions

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The Roman Catholic Church has approved the visions of 17-year-old Benoite Rencurel from 1664 to 1718 in Laus, in the French Alps. This proclamation puts the miraculous healing apparitions on the same scale as the Lourdes shrine in France.

Our Lady of the Laus appearing to Benoite Rencurel over 50 years, asked to have a church and a house for priests built in her honor, which Rencurel accomplished.

Okay… God works in mysterious ways. As I was sitting in my home office library, alone – writing this post to send out, scoffing just a little – the cable television sound in my living room turned on. I had to go into the living room and shut my sound system off. It’s never come on before by itself in the five years we’ve had the television. I will tell you I have goosebumps from feeling that I’m being chastised for my incredulity at the Church’s newest sacrarium announcement. First, his Holiness’s Pope Benedict XVI’s visit to America, then the flagrant display of Padre Pio’s waxed body, and now an announcement verifying that Catholics have one more authentic shrine to visit and pray? It seems the Catholic Church is working overtime on its supernatural, or should I say spiritual reputation?

Timing is everything or does everything work in God’s time?

Written by smalltalkwitht

May 5, 2008 at 2:58 pm