Sma' Talk Wi' T

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Archive for June 2010

Phobias That You Can Relate To…

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Anteater with BuzzFeed has posted 10 Completely Understandable Phobias. With the explanations and visuals, you’ll will certainly agree with Anteater. It’s a great list!

The fears that I can relate to are achluophobia, acrophobia, and thassalophobia. Don’t know what they are? Check out Buzzfeed.

I even have a few more:

  • Capashakedownphobia: A fear of Obama taxing any industry he hates.
  • Pelosiphobia: A fear that Pelosi will say that with her vast knowledge of Catholicism, she is now the Pope and will make abortion a sacrament.
  • RememberNovemberphobia: A fear that in 2010, Obama will create a new calendar where there is no month of November.
  • As long, as Obama and the Democrats are in power – the list of fears will grow.

    Written by smalltalkwitht

    June 21, 2010 at 2:20 pm

    Clear Channel Doesn’t Take Pride In Its Billboards

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    UPDATE: Clear Channel turns down Gay Pride Week Parade billboard. But they did approve two billboards that show a man in drag, and two dads sitting on a couch with their son for electronic billboards in Pinellas and Hillsborough counties. Here’s my confusion: If the below billboard could be deemed offensive or unusable, how would a billboard of a man in drag be appropriate? Come on, Clear Channel. Either don’t sign a contract and take money from an organization whose message you don’t approve or put up the billboards. A billboard of a man in drag is not offensive?

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    Help Wanted: New Marketing Director

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    I love Jamaican jerk chicken, but are the connatations of “Jerk Center” conducive to dining with friends over a good meal?

    Written by smalltalkwitht

    June 6, 2010 at 6:44 pm