Sma' Talk Wi' T

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The Patron Saints Of Blogging

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Bloggers come from all fields, interests, and backgrounds. Hugh Hewitt gives us a tip to check out a new blog called All These Things written by saints. As a matter of fact, written by St. Nicodemus, St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Theresa, St. Andrew, St. Beth, St. Didymus, St. Albertus Magnus, St. Lucy, St. Philomena, St. Justin Martyr, St. Vincent of Saragossa, and St. Thomas More.

St. Thomas More explains how the compilation of such venerable persons in one blog came to be:

We’re just twelve pilgrims on the same road, heading to the same land. Our journeys have been, and remain, quite different. While we’ve been walking for some time, we’re just beginning to write about it. And, as you might discern, we’ve not done it before. All first-time bloggers. All in need of more time.

The time we do have is spent pursuing different careers, caring for different children, reading different books, enjoying different hobbies, encountering different people, and thinking about different topics. Our goal is to discuss all these things.

You’ll hear from mothers, a politician, an accountant, a missionary, a scientist, a priest, a lawyer, a teacher, a investor, a theologian, a professor, a pastor, and a diplomat. Some are in, or from, foreign lands, and the rest are spread across the U.S. Some are Orthodox, others Roman Catholic, the rest Protestants–all, however, are faithful believers. As you’ll probably notice, what binds us transcends our differences.

What a great group of folks. I wish them well. Thanks Hugh for the tip. Check out this communion of saints, you’ll be glad you did.

Written by smalltalkwitht

September 3, 2006 at 1:54 am

Posted in Uncategorized

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